Music Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Music therapy uses the healing effects of music to alleviate and heal a wide variety of ailments, both physical and psychological. It is a practice-oriented scientific discipline in any form of music therapy. What is music therapy? With the purposeful use of music, whether instrumental, vocal, or other forms of musical performance, the goal is … Music Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Neurology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Neurology is a specialty of medicine that deals with the human nervous system, its functioning and complex structure. Detecting and treating organic diseases in [[brain]] and spinal cord are the tasks of a specialist in neurology. What is neurology? Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with the human nervous system, how it functions … Neurology: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Introduction The thalamus is the largest structure of the diencephalon and is located once in each hemisphere. It is a bean-shaped structure connected to each other by a kind of bridge. In addition to the thalamus, other anatomical structures belong to the diencephalon such as the hypothalamus with pituitary gland, the epithalamus with the epiphysis … Thalamus


Synonyms in a broader sense lockjaw, Clostridium tetani Summary Tetanus is an infectious disease. The responsible bacteria live everywhere in the earth or dust. They get into wounds and multiply. A blockage leads to uncontrollable muscle cramps. The tetanus is treated with antibiotics in the hospital to kill the pathogen of the poison. A tetanus … Tetanus

Diagnosis | Tetanus

Diagnosis The diagnosis is usually made clinically, i.e. by the symptoms mentioned above. An indication may be a possible entry point, an open wound. The toxin can be detected in the blood. Therapy Due to the high mortality rate, patients must be hospitalized. If the tetanus toxin has already spread, there is no longer any … Diagnosis | Tetanus


Synonyms in a broader sense Hanging, upper eyelid; Greek lowering, falling down Definition Ptosis is not a disease in itself, but a symptom that can have various causes. It can be recognized by the fact that the upper eyelid of one or both eyes, despite the patient’s attempt to open the eyes wide, protrudes so … Ptosis

Frequency | Ptosis

Frequency A congenital ptosis is very rare and usually unilateral, but not further quantified in the literature. The frequency of ptosis forms of other causes depends on the disease causing it (ptosis) Causes of ptosis The causes of ptosis are manifold. They may be congenital or may have developed in the course of life, which … Frequency | Ptosis