Birth Preparation Course

Introduction A birth preparation course prepares parents-to-be for the adventure of birth and becoming parents. Especially couples who have not yet had a child together are often worried about how a birth will take place, whether everything will go smoothly and how to best help the child to come into the world. The course is … Birth Preparation Course

Intestinal obstruction in the baby

Definition of intestinal obstruction in the baby The intestinal obstruction is a pathological interruption of the intestinal passage. The term ileus is also used in medical terminology. It is an acutely life-threatening situation that requires immediate medical treatment. This topic now deals specifically with intestinal obstruction in infants and newborns. How can you detect a … Intestinal obstruction in the baby

Is a bowel obstruction in the baby dangerous? | Intestinal obstruction in the baby

Is a bowel obstruction in the baby dangerous? A bowel obstruction can cause a variety of complications if detected later. First of all, there is a backflow of stool into the upper gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to serious infections, as the intestinal bacteria get to places where they can do harm. In addition, an … Is a bowel obstruction in the baby dangerous? | Intestinal obstruction in the baby

Causes of intestinal obstruction in the baby | Intestinal obstruction in the baby

Causes of intestinal obstruction in the baby There are many different causes that can cause an intestinal obstruction. Often the cause cannot be clearly determined. However, all causes have in common that the passage of the intestinal contents to the rectum and finally the excretion is hindered or interrupted. Normally the intestinal contents move in … Causes of intestinal obstruction in the baby | Intestinal obstruction in the baby

What Actually is the Child Schema?

The Kindchenschema goes back to the Austrian behavioral scientist Konrad Lorenz. He studied the gestalt of young and older animals of the same species and found out that animals react to very specific key stimuli such as the Kindchenschema. We humans also respond to predetermined patterns in nature It is essential for a baby to … What Actually is the Child Schema?

Operation of a clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Operation of a clavicula fracture In most cases a clavicula fracture is treated non-surgically, i.e. conservatively. In newborns who have suffered a fracture as a result of a birth trauma, the fracture heals completely independently, so that no intervention is necessary. For older children and adults, dressing therapy, typically with a so-called rucksack bandage, is … Operation of a clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Aftercare of a clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Aftercare of a clavicula fracture For the follow-up treatment of a clavicula fracture there is a fixed follow-up treatment scheme. Wearing a Ruck or Gilchrist dressing is indicated in all cases. The further procedure can be based on the wound healing phases. Up to the 5th day one speaks of an inflammatory phase. Here, pain … Aftercare of a clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? Sleeping with a clavicula fracture is often very uncomfortable, especially in the beginning, because every little movement hurts. However, the pain subsides with time. Those affected often find it pleasant if the headboard is slightly raised and a pillow is placed under the arm … What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

Classification of clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Classification of clavicula fracture In medicine, a clavicula fracture is classified according to Allman. This classification is primarily based on the location of the fracture. There are three groups of different localization: A classification can also be based on frequency: Group one describes a fracture in the middle third of the clavicle. Since this bone … Classification of clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture