What are Chromosomes?

Chromosomes are made of coiled DNA (deoxyribonucleinacid) and are found in the nucleus of every human cell. Although the number of chromosomes varies in each species, the amount of chromosomes in a species per body cell is identical. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (diploid) or 46 individual chromosomes (haploid). However, comparison with other organisms … What are Chromosomes?

Gamete: Structure, Function & Diseases

Gametes are the fertilizable male and female gametes or germ cells. Their diploid (twofold) set of chromosomes has been reduced to a haploid (single) set by prior meiosis (maturation division), resulting in a diploid cell with a twofold set of chromosomes after fertilization, the union of a female and a male gamete. The female gamete … Gamete: Structure, Function & Diseases


What is a kernicterus? Kernikterus is an increased accumulation of bilirubin in the brain, which can occur in newborns. Various causes and developmental mechanisms play a role here. Icterus refers to jaundice, which can occur in newborns but also in adults due to increased bilirubin levels, especially in the eyes and skin. Bilirubin is a … Kernikterus

Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Introduction The cervical spine consists of seven cervical vertebrae. The intervertebral discs are each located between two vertebral bodies of the spine and are responsible for the mobility of the spine. An intervertebral disc consists of two parts of an outer zone, the annulus fibrosus and a gelatinous core, the nucleus pulposus. In the context … Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast Overall, the prognosis of a slipped disc in the cervical spine is good. In most patients, the symptoms and the herniated disc are already receding through conservative therapy. In advanced cases, surgery unfortunately cannot guarantee a complete resolution of the symptoms, but an improvement of the symptoms can occur. Causes With the age of … Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6