Rheumatism: One Name for 400 Diseases

Rheumatic diseases are usually chronic, painful and usually associated with a permanent restriction of movement. More than 450 diseases of very different causes belong to the rheumatic group. Between 200 and 400 diseases (depending on the classification) of the musculoskeletal system are grouped together as rheumatism. Types of rheumatism The different classification is due to … Rheumatism: One Name for 400 Diseases

Bone Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Uncomfortable bone pain is often confused by laypersons with pain of the musculoskeletal and ligamentous system and requires accurate and comprehensive diagnosis to differentiate it. What is bone pain? Generally, bone pain in advanced age is referred to the entire skeleton and predominantly involves the ribs, the bones of the spine, and the pelvis. Bone … Bone Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Metatarsalgia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Metatarsalgia refers to pain in the midfoot. Most often, they occur due to stress such as running. What is metatarsalgia? We talk about metatarsalgia when pain occurs in the midfoot. The discomfort is felt below the heads of the metatarsal bones (ossa metatarsalia), usually during weight-bearing activities. The term metatarsalgia is composed of the Greek … Metatarsalgia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Physiotherapy after a tibia fracture

The mechanisms that lead to a tibia fracture are usually accidents or sports injuries – in any case, extreme external force is required to break the strong tibia. Symptoms of a tibia fracture include swelling, redness, heat, pain and a restriction in the strength and mobility of the leg. Occurrence, walking and standing are hardly … Physiotherapy after a tibia fracture

Further measures | Physiotherapy after a tibia fracture

Further measures There are various other measures that can help to heal a tibia fracture and alleviate the accompanying complaints. This includes massages, fascial techniques and stretching. In addition, electrotherapy and thermal applications have a positive effect on various areas. For example, they have a positive effect on muscle relaxation, increased blood circulation, pain relief … Further measures | Physiotherapy after a tibia fracture