When and how must be treated? | Lymph node swelling after root canal treatment

When and how must be treated? Root canal treatments in dentistry are associated with a comparatively high risk of infections affecting the bloodstream and involving various organs. For this reason, antibiotic prophylaxis can be administered in advance of treatment to nip any infections in the bud. If lymph node swelling occurs after root canal treatment, … When and how must be treated? | Lymph node swelling after root canal treatment

Therapy | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Therapy If one notices that an inflammation is present or is approaching, one should pay attention to a very good hygienic care of the piercing as soon as possible. If lack of care was the reason for the coming inflammation, a full inflammatory reaction can be averted under certain circumstances. But also in case of … Therapy | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

What do I need to see the doctor? | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

What do I need to see the doctor? An inflamed navel piercing can be treated independently at first on a trial basis, as described above for example with consequent antiseptic cleaning and antibiotic cream. If the inflammation persists or the symptoms get worse, however at the latest after five to seven days either the family … What do I need to see the doctor? | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Diagnosis A diagnosis of an inflammation of the navel piercing can be made already by external viewing and examination. For this purpose the classical signs of an inflammation should be observed. If it is a longer existing or more difficult inflammation, often the blood values are also changed. However, since an inflammation on the navel … Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

These are the symptoms of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

These are the symptoms of cartilage baldness Cartilage baldness is characterized by similar symptoms as other cartilage damage. Typically, pain occurs in the affected joint. These are particularly noticeable when the joint is subjected to stress. At rest, however, the symptoms are not as severe. In the course of the disease, the lack of a … These are the symptoms of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Treatment of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Treatment of cartilage baldness The therapy of cartilage baldness aims at allowing the cartilage to grow back over the bone. There are various methods for this. One can either try to cultivate cartilage cells from the body’s own stem cells. Alternatively, a foreign donation is also possible. These cells can usually be injected into the … Treatment of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Signs of inflammation | Ignition

Signs of inflammation Inflammation is classically manifested by 5 inflammatory signs: redness (rubor), overheating (calor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor) and reduced function (functio laesa). The following can be observed: One of the first signs of inflammation is a rapidly developing redness of the skin, which is a sign of increased blood circulation. Due to the … Signs of inflammation | Ignition

What are anti-inflammatory drugs? | Ignition

What are anti-inflammatory drugs? The term “anti-inflammatory” describes a group of drugs that can relieve the symptoms of inflammation. However, the active ingredients contained in the drugs sometimes differ greatly from one another, which is why the way in which the drugs inhibit inflammation also varies greatly. The area of application can also vary, depending … What are anti-inflammatory drugs? | Ignition


Introduction An inflammation can be understood as a sign of activation of the immune system. The reason why the immune system is activated varies from individual to individual. Pathogens, foreign substances, injuries as well as the presence of an autoimmune disease are possible causes which can be responsible for the occurrence of an inflammation. The … Ignition