
Introduction An inflammation can be understood as a sign of activation of the immune system. The reason why the immune system is activated varies from individual to individual. Pathogens, foreign substances, injuries as well as the presence of an autoimmune disease are possible causes which can be responsible for the occurrence of an inflammation. The … Ignition

Dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. Especially at the beginning of pregnancy, dizziness is a typical complaint, often in combination with nausea and vomiting. In case of frequent attacks of dizziness, especially if they occur in combination with palpitations, headaches or visual disturbances, they should be discussed with a doctor. In most cases, however, … Dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness while lying down | Dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness while lying down In advanced pregnancy (approx. from the end of the second trimenon), sleeping in a supine position should be avoided, as the uterus is now increasing in size and can therefore press on the veins (especially the inferior vena cava). This hinders the blood flow to the brain. Other symptoms when this … Dizziness while lying down | Dizziness during pregnancy

Knee swelling

Definition The knee, also known as the knee joint, is the connection between the thigh bone and the shin bone and the kneecap. It is the largest joint in the human body and is a common location for a number of different diseases. The swelling of the knee joint is usually the expression of an … Knee swelling

Diagnosis | Knee swelling

Diagnosis Knee swelling is a symptom that can be caused by a number of different diseases. In order to find out which disease is responsible for the symptoms in an individual case, a doctor should be consulted. Specialists in the diagnosis of knee swelling are specialists in orthopedics and trauma surgery. In addition to a … Diagnosis | Knee swelling

Abductor distortion

Similar to the much more frequent adductor strain, the abductor strain is one of the typical sports injuries. Abductors include all muscles of the body that perform a movement away from the body (lat. abducere = to lead away). For example, the small and middle gluteus medius/minimus muscles and the muscles on the outside of … Abductor distortion

Arthrosis relapse

Definition In the context of osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative disease of the joints, pain often does not occur permanently, but shows a wave-like course of symptoms. Phases of acute pain, so-called “relapses”, alternate with symptom-free intervals, sometimes lasting months. How do you recognize an arthrosis attack? An arthrosis relapse is characterised by several quite … Arthrosis relapse

How is an arthrosis relapse treated? | Arthrosis relapse

How is an arthrosis relapse treated? The therapy of an arthrosis relapse cannot be standardized and must be designed individually. However, it should be noted that there is still no cure for osteoarthritis. The aim is to reduce the pain and limitations and to prevent consequential damage. Arthrosis patients have various treatment options available, although … How is an arthrosis relapse treated? | Arthrosis relapse