Diagnosis | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Diagnosis Diagnosis requires a combination of a medical consultation and a gynecological examination with smears of the intimate region. During the conversation, special attention is paid to current complaints. Bartholinitis is usually a diagnosis of the gaze, as the symptoms are very typical. Inflammations of the intimate region are diagnosed by means of a smear. … Diagnosis | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance Depending on the cause, the duration of the pain is difficult to estimate. Small injuries and irritations can heal quickly and cause pain only for a short time. Inflammations often develop within a few days, malignant changes can develop over years and, especially in the early stages, often … Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Diagnosis | Dyspareunia – pain during sexual intercourse

Diagnosis The most important step in the diagnosis of pain during intercourse is the detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). The pain is embarrassing for most of the affected patients. For this reason, sensitivity is required during the detailed doctor-patient conversation. In order to be able to complete the diagnosis promptly and initiate appropriate treatment, the doctor’s … Diagnosis | Dyspareunia – pain during sexual intercourse

Therapy | Dyspareunia – pain during sexual intercourse

Therapy Treatment for pain during sexual intercourse depends largely on the underlying disease. Bacterial infections of the male or female reproductive organs must usually be treated with a so-called broad-spectrum antibiotic. These are antibiotics that are directed against a variety of bacterial pathogens that may be responsible for the pain. Only after the responsible pathogen … Therapy | Dyspareunia – pain during sexual intercourse

Dyspareunia – pain during sexual intercourse

dyspareunia, algopareunia, cohabitation pain Introduction Pain during intercourse can affect both men and women. However, it is generally assumed that women suffer from pain during intercourse significantly more often than men. The pain that occurs during intercourse can be less pronounced or even so severe that the person affected suffers a high level of pain. … Dyspareunia – pain during sexual intercourse

Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

Synonyms Vaginal humidification = lubrication Introduction A deficient lubrication is an insufficient moistening of the female sexual organs during intercourse. This can have both physical and psychological causes. Some women have a permanent condition, while other women only have problems with lubrication for a limited period of time. Since inadequate lubrication can lead to pain … Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

How can the lubrication be increased? | Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

How can the lubrication be increased? Increasing the body’s own lubrication is only possible by eliminating or treating the cause. In the case of mental illness, knowledge of the illness itself can be helpful. A quiet, private environment can already help. Drug treatment can also relieve the symptoms. In the case of stress, the lubrication … How can the lubrication be increased? | Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

When do we speak of a lubrication disorder? | Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

When do we speak of a lubrication disorder? The term disorder is associated with the fact that the person affected develops a sense of suffering and seeks help. Initially, this can also be an attempt at therapy with fungicides or ointments. A disorder cannot be defined by certain amounts of fluid, but rather by the … When do we speak of a lubrication disorder? | Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

Pain after hysterectomy

Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) is a frequently performed and usually minimally invasive operation. Nevertheless, pain in the pelvic area can occur after the procedure. These pains can be treated well with painkillers and subside after some time. If other symptoms, such as fever, should occur in addition to the pain after hysterectomy, it must … Pain after hysterectomy

Pain after months/years | Pain after hysterectomy

Pain after months/years As a rule, the pain caused by the operation subsides within 6 weeks. The surrounding tissue needs this time to heal.However, women with endometriosis can still experience lower abdominal pain after months or years. This then indicates that there is still a dislocated lining of the uterus in the lower abdomen. This … Pain after months/years | Pain after hysterectomy