Treatment of coccyx pain

Introduction Coccygeal pain (coccygodynia) is pain that occurs in the lower spinal region (Os coccygis) and usually has a stabbing or pulling character and can radiate into adjacent body regions. Sometimes patients complain of such severe pain that defecation, sexual intercourse or even sitting seems almost impossible. About 80% of patients with coccyx pain are … Treatment of coccyx pain

Home remedy for the treatment of coccyx pain | Treatment of coccyx pain

Home remedy for the treatment of coccyx pain First and foremost, the best home remedy for chronic coccygeal pain is still exercise, as lack of exercise is the most common cause of chronic back pain, regardless of location. With acute coccyx pains, for example after a fall, painkillers on vegetable basis can help. These include … Home remedy for the treatment of coccyx pain | Treatment of coccyx pain

Causes of back pain in pancreatic cancer | Back pain with pancreatic cancer

Causes of back pain in pancreatic cancer The pancreas is located under the breastbone and meanders from the middle of the abdomen to the left. It is located below the stomach with the so-called head and moves to the left with a tapering tail section. Contrary to the assumption that the pancreas pulls straight to … Causes of back pain in pancreatic cancer | Back pain with pancreatic cancer

Vertebral Blocking

Vertebral blockages are the most common trigger of stabbing back pain and are the cause of most back problems. Especially in the western world, back pain is very common and is a typical symptom, which is intensified in its intensity by too little movement, sitting for long periods of time and resting. In the so-called … Vertebral Blocking

Symptoms | Vertebral Blocking

Symptoms A dislocated vertebra initially causes back pain in the affected area. Later, complaints of the adjacent joints and extremities, such as hip pain, can also occur. In most cases, a dislocated vertebrae results in restricted movement and pain, which tempts the patient to adopt a relieving posture.Often the pain is also intensified by certain … Symptoms | Vertebral Blocking

Blockages at different locations of the spine | Vertebral Blocking

Blockages at different locations of the spine Vertebral blockages in the cervical spine are not uncommon. They are often the cause of a so-called cervical spine syndrome, which is a collective term for many neurological and orthopedic symptoms originating in the cervical spine. These include cervical and neck pain radiating into the arm, dizziness, headaches, … Blockages at different locations of the spine | Vertebral Blocking

Prophylaxis | Vertebral Blocking

Prophylaxis The best way to prevent back pain caused by vertebral blockages is regular exercise. A well-trained back musculature is the prerequisite for a flexible spine. In many cases, one-sided strain and a lack of balance lead to dislocated vertebrae. Sports activities of any kind strengthen the muscles and strengthen the spine. Simple tricks help … Prophylaxis | Vertebral Blocking