Physiotherapy for chronic achillodynia | Achillodynia Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for chronic achillodynia If a patient develops chronic Achillodynia, this means that the Achilles tendon is permanently inflamed. This means that it is sensitive to touch, red, swollen and often there is pain at rest.The resilience of the foot is extremely reduced and sport is only possible to a limited extent. Some sufferers experience … Physiotherapy for chronic achillodynia | Achillodynia Physiotherapy

Achillodynia Physiotherapy

Achillodynia is a painful disorder of the Achilles tendon that mostly affects athletes. It does not occur acutely but is caused by years of incorrect and excessive strain. During and especially after exertion, the affected persons then feel sometimes severe pain in the Achilles tendon and lower leg and react sensitively to pressure in the … Achillodynia Physiotherapy