Causes of anaemia in old age | Anemia in old age – dangerous?

Causes of anaemia in old age The causes of anaemia in old age are basically little different from the causes of anaemia at any other age. However, the frequencies of the underlying cause are distributed differently. 1 In most cases, deficiency causes anaemia in old age. Typically there are problems in the diet (unbalanced diet … Causes of anaemia in old age | Anemia in old age – dangerous?

What are the signs of iron deficiency? | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

What are the signs of iron deficiency? The first signs of iron deficiency are often difficult to distinguish from general changes in pregnancy. Most complaints are caused by the fact that less blood pigment can be produced. This is normally responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood. So if it is restricted by … What are the signs of iron deficiency? | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Associated symptoms Accompanying symptoms of iron deficiency during pregnancy are the consequences of reduced blood formation. Since less oxygen can be transported, the heart has to beat faster, which is noticeable by palpitations. However, it is important to know that, despite a slight iron deficiency, the iron still available is initially passed on to the … Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy Whether an iron deficiency is treated during pregnancy must always be decided individually. A benefit-risk analysis must be carried out. This serves to be able to estimate whether a therapy with iron preparations brings a sufficient use, in order to outweigh possible risks. Particularly in the first trimester, one … Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Side effects of iron supplements | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Side effects of iron supplements Not only a lack of iron can have a negative effect on the unborn child. Your doctor can clarify whether additional iron intake is necessary during pregnancy. In order to avoid excessive intake of iron preparations, this should always be discussed in advance to avoid overdose and unnecessary intake. Learn … Side effects of iron supplements | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Symptoms | Porphyria

Symptoms The different porphyrias are mainly classified according to the type and location of symptoms into liver-associated (hepatic), red blood cell formation-related (erythropoietic), skin-associated (cutaneous), non-skin-associated (non-cutaneous), and acute and non-acute porphyrias. Many porphyrias are characterized by long inconspicuous phases and are sometimes only discovered in later decades of life. Mild forms often remain hidden … Symptoms | Porphyria

Therapy | Porphyria

Therapy No causal therapy currently exists for any type of porphyria. Within a relapse, the symptoms can be alleviated by the administration of hemin. This makes the body believe that there is a sufficient amount of heme, and thus leads to less of the unwanted (and responsible for the symptoms) precursors of heme being formed. … Therapy | Porphyria


Synonyms Disturbance of heme synthesisPorphyria are a series of metabolic diseases in which the structure (synthesis) of a part of the transporter for oxygen in the blood (heme in hemoglobin) is disturbed. Introduction In the body, thousands of metabolic steps are carried out by enzymes that enable (catalyze) biochemical reactions. If, either due to hereditary … Porphyria