Diseases of the parotid gland | Parotid gland

Diseases of the parotid gland Diseases of the parotid gland are not uncommon, even if only a few people are affected. Many of them can also be quite unpleasant or even very disturbing. For example, inflammations of the parotid gland and salivary stones in particular can cause severe pain (see: Salivary stone ear). Depending on … Diseases of the parotid gland | Parotid gland

Which doctor treats parotid gland diseases? | Parotid gland

Which doctor treats parotid gland diseases? For diseases of the parotid gland, an ear, nose and throat doctor is usually responsible. An ENT physician deals with that part of medicine which is responsible for the majority of the head and neck area, excluding the brain. Lymph nodes of the parotid gland Lymph nodes in general … Which doctor treats parotid gland diseases? | Parotid gland


Synonyms spit, saliva Introduction Saliva is an exocrine secretion that is produced in the salivary glands located in the oral cavity. In humans, there are three large salivary glands and a large number of small salivary glands. Large salivary glands include the parotid gland (Glandula parotis), the mandibular gland (Glandula submandibularis) and the sublingual gland … Saliva

More detailed composition | Saliva

More detailed composition Saliva is composed of many different components, whereby the proportions of the respective components differ from unstimulated to stimulated saliva, and the place of production, i.e. which salivary gland is responsible for saliva production, also contributes significantly to the composition. The saliva consists of water for the most part (95%). However, in … More detailed composition | Saliva

Loosen earwax

Earwax (technical term: cerumen or cerumen) is a yellowish-brownish, greasy, bitter secretion which originates from the glands of the external auditory canal. These glands are modified sweat glands and are also called Glandulae ceruminosae or apocrine, tubular bulb glands. They exist in all mammals and serve to cleanse the auditory canal. A moist secretion is … Loosen earwax