Pain in the patella tendon

Definition Pain in the patella tendon is an unpleasant, sometimes stabbing or pulling sensation in the area of the patella tendon. Anatomically, the patellar tendon is a rough ligamentous structure between the underside of the patella and the tibia, more precisely at the tibial tuberosity, a roughened bony process at the front of the tibia. … Pain in the patella tendon

Patella tendon

Introduction The patellar tendon is a rough ligament that leads from the kneecap (patella) to a rough elevation (tuberositas tibiae) at the front of the shin bone (tibia). The band is about six millimeters thick and five centimeters long. The patellar tendon is an extension of the attachment tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle and … Patella tendon

Further applications for knee bandages | Bandage for patellar tip syndrome

Further applications for knee bandages Bandages for the knee can be used either prophylactically to prevent injuries or as therapy for already existing knee damage or diseases. Bandages are used, for example, to stabilize when the ligaments in the knee joint are stretched or to relieve pain when the cartilage behind the kneecap is damaged. … Further applications for knee bandages | Bandage for patellar tip syndrome