Amylmetacresol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Amylmetacresol is used as an antiseptic in the throat and mouth. The agent is largely without negative side effects and interactions with other drugs. Nevertheless, its use is controversial for causative therapy. What is amylmetacresol? Amylmetacresol is used as an antiseptic in the throat and mouth. Amylmetacresol is produced on a purely chemical basis. It … Amylmetacresol: Effects, Uses & Risks


Betaisodona is an antiseptic, i.e. a germicidal agent. It contains iodine as the active ingredient in a chemical compound. The various forms in which Betaisadona is available combat a wide range of pathogens and support wound healing. What forms of Betaisodona are there? Ointment Solution Wound Gel Spray Oral antiseptic Betaisodona in the form of … Betaisodona

Indications for Betaisodona | Betaisodona

Indications for Betaisodona Open wounds Nail bed inflammation Boils Pimples/Acneas Betaisodona is often used for open wounds that could possibly become inflamed, which is why it should not be missing in any medicine chest. A great advantage is that the ointment, wound gel, solution or spray can be applied directly to the open wound. It … Indications for Betaisodona | Betaisodona

Active substance/effect | Betaisodona

Active substance/effect Betaisodona contains povidone-iodine as the active ingredient and is an antiseptic. Povidone-iodine is effective against a wide spectrum of pathogens and is effective in the process: Betaisodona is used for a limited period of time, repeatedly and is available without prescription in pharmacies. Typical for the drug is the brownish discoloration, which indicates … Active substance/effect | Betaisodona

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona not be given? | Betaisodona

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona not be given? Some patients suffer from hypersensitivity to iodine. In this case, Betaisodona should not be taken, otherwise an allergic reaction may occur. Betaisodona is also contraindicated in patients with hyperthyroidism. This also applies to other existing thyroid diseases. In this case, consultation with the family doctor should be … Contraindications – When should Betaisodona not be given? | Betaisodona

Price | Betaisodona

Price The prices for Betaisodona vary depending on the package size and shape of the drug. As ointment 25g are already available for about 5 Euro. 30ml Betaisodona solution also costs about 5 Euro. The mouth antiseptic of Betaisodona is priced at about 11 Euro for 100 ml. Betaisodona and alcohol – is it compatible? … Price | Betaisodona

How does Betaisodona influence wound healing? | Betaisodona

How does Betaisodona influence wound healing? When using Betaisodona, iodine is released. This iodine kills pathogens and thus supports the healing of wounds.The main component of Betaisodona is the active ingredient povidone-iodine, which quickly reaches its site of action and reacts with the surface, causing the pathogen to die. The disinfecting effect results from the … How does Betaisodona influence wound healing? | Betaisodona

Should I have my baby vaccinated?

Introduction Vaccination has the goal of protecting against a transmittable disease as a preventive measure. The effect of the vaccination is based on an immunization against a certain pathogen. For this purpose, the responsible pathogens are injected into the body so that it reacts and produces antibodies against the respective pathogen. Sometimes this can lead … Should I have my baby vaccinated?

Inactivated vaccine | Should I have my baby vaccinated?

Inactivated vaccine Some of the recommended vaccinations are carried out by administering dead vaccines. This term is based on the fact that the vaccine contains killed pathogens or only parts of the pathogen. An advantage over live vaccines is that fewer side effects occur after vaccination with an inactivated vaccine. However, inactivated vaccines protect against … Inactivated vaccine | Should I have my baby vaccinated?