Therapy of the hollow back | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Therapy of the hollow back The therapy of a hollow back depends on the respective cause. The most common cause is a muscular imbalance, which is caused by lack of exercise and incorrect posture. At the beginning of the hollow back sufficient movement and the correct posture can already lead to a sufficient improvement. The … Therapy of the hollow back | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Hollow back and lower back pain | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Hollow back and lower back pain Due to the tensions associated with poor posture of the spine, sufferers often experience back pain. These tensions develop due to overloading or incorrect loading of the trunk and pelvic muscles and tend to increase during the course of the disease. Here, painkillers such as Voltaren or Ibuprofen can … Hollow back and lower back pain | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Frequency distribution | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Frequency distribution Due to the influencing factors, more and more people are affected by a hollow back. Lack of exercise and poor posture, especially sedentary activities, as well as stress lead to postural deformities in 60% of school beginners. In addition to the hollow back, this also includes the hunchback (hyperkyphosis), flat back and hollow … Frequency distribution | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Prognosis of the Holhkreuz | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Prognosis of the Holhkreuz The prognosis of a hollow back depends on whether and how quickly counteractive measures are taken. The earlier and more consistently the corresponding muscle groups are trained, the higher the probability that no complaints and secondary diseases will develop. With early detection and well executed therapy, the prognosis of a hollow … Prognosis of the Holhkreuz | Hollow back – What you can do about it!