
Synonyms in a broader sense Exercise therapy Definition/Introduction The term occupational therapy comes from the Greek and means “healing through work and action” (“ergon” = work, action, activity, performance and “therapeia” = treatment, service). Ergotherapy is therefore a form of therapy that is mainly concerned with physical activity and, above all, with the healing process … Ergotherapy

Fields of application | Ergotherapy

Fields of application Occupational therapy is successfully used in various fields of medicine both for treatment and prevention. Neurology: Stroke patients in particular often benefit from occupational therapy. A stroke is often accompanied by a loss of motor function on one side of the body. With a good ergotherapy started early on, many functions can … Fields of application | Ergotherapy

Forms of therapy | Ergotherapy

Forms of therapy In principle, occupational therapy differentiates between three different therapy methods, which, however, are often not clearly separated from each other and complement each other: Some special forms of therapy are the shaping therapy, the sensory integration therapy (main field of application are attention disorders and developmental delays), the therapy according to Affolter … Forms of therapy | Ergotherapy

Prevent osteoporosis

Introduction Osteoporosis, which is characterized by the lack or loss of bone mass, is one of the most common diseases in old age and affects about one in three women after menopause. However, men can also develop osteoporosis. Accordingly, prevention at a younger age is important in order to actively counteract the likelihood of the … Prevent osteoporosis

Prophylaxis with vegan nutrition | Prevent osteoporosis

Prophylaxis with vegan nutrition In principle is with a nourishing restriction like the veganen nourishing way to always pay attention to supply the body with all important food components. With regard to osteoporosis, these are calcium, vitamin D and magnesium. For the magnesium the vegane nutrition is not problematic, since food like e.g. oat flakes, … Prophylaxis with vegan nutrition | Prevent osteoporosis

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes | Prevent osteoporosis

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes To prevent osteoporosis, it is also advisable to keep the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes at a very low level. In smokers, the blood flow to various organs, including the bones, is severely restricted and the ingredients of cigarette smoke also promote the breakdown of estrogens, both of which promote the … Avoid alcohol and cigarettes | Prevent osteoporosis

Prophylaxis with homeopathy | Prevent osteoporosis

Prophylaxis with homeopathy Homeopathy also offers possibilities for the prevention of osteoporosis. Here, too, the focus is ultimately on providing the body with an adequate supply of calcium and preventing over-acidification. Overacidification, i.e. a too low pH value, supports the removal of calcium from the bones. A homeopathic osteoporosis prevention pursues accordingly the same goals … Prophylaxis with homeopathy | Prevent osteoporosis