Exercise Pyramid for Kids

Run, walk, romp

Any additional physical activity is good for your health. This doesn’t have to be at a stretch, but can be spread throughout the day. Riding a bike, walking the dog, walking to school – these everyday activities don’t require any effort!

On weekends and in their free time, children should be active in sports: skateboarding, hiking, swimming – alone, with friends or in a club. The main thing is that it’s fun!

For a good overview of how much and what kind of physical activity is recommended daily for children, experts have developed the physical activity pyramid for children:

  • The basis of the physical activity pyramid is formed by everyday activities such as biking to school, walking the dog, or helping mom around the house (vacuuming, sweeping, etc.). Children should perform such light physical activities six times a day for five to ten minutes.
  • At the top of the exercise pyramid is intensive physical activity in the form of sports (swimming, basketball, etc.): Twice fifteen minutes a day should be scheduled for this.