Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

A cervical spine syndrome is one of the most common clinical pictures in physiotherapy, which is prescribed by the orthopedist. A cervical spine syndrome describes pain in the area of the neck and head, as a result of hypertonus of the short neck muscles, the trapezius muscle and the shoulder-arm complex. In addition to the … Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Exercises without equipment | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Exercises without equipment Important in a cervical syndrome is the strengthening of the short neck muscles and the rhomboids, as well as the back extensor but also the stretching of the trapezius. The short neck musculature can be trained mainly through isometric exercises. You can find more exercises for a cervical spine syndrome here: Exercise … Exercises without equipment | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Properties of a Theraband | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Properties of a Theraband The Theraband is an elastic band which is used in training and therapy. The Theraband is available in different strengths (colors) and is very easy to use. The type of application can also be varied. If you want to mobilize more, you can pull the band completely without tension in the … Properties of a Theraband | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Summary | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Summary A cervical spine syndrome is usually caused by one-sided strain and lack of muscular strength of the short neck muscles and the rhomboids and upper back extensor. This area can be trained very well by specific exercises. A good aid is the Theraband, which is easy to use and easy to store. It can … Summary | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Back School: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The term back school refers to special courses and seminars in which participants are taught how to reduce and/or prevent back pain in the long term. These courses are aimed at different target groups and are thus tailored, for example, to children, pensioners or people with chronic back disorders. The statutory health insurance funds subsidize … Back School: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Scheuermanns Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Scheuermann’s disease is a disease of the spine that often manifests itself at a growing age. Due to a growth disorder of the vertebral bodies, wedge-shaped vertebrae form, narrowing the intervertebral discs between them. This results in the hunchback with hollow back typical of Scheuermann’s disease. What is Scheuermann’s disease? Scheuermann’s disease was discovered by … Scheuermanns Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment