May Apple

Stem plant Berberidaceae, May apple. Medicinal drug Podophylli peltati rhizoma – Podophyllum rhizome, Podophyllum rhizome. Ingredients Podophyllotoxin Effects Cytostatic (mitosis inhibitor) Indications for use Formerly used as a laxative (“podophyllin”), but not recommended due to toxicity. Commission E positively evaluates its use for genital warts (condylomas). Dosage Contained in finished drug products, see podophyllotoxin, etoposide. … May Apple

Lily of the Valley Health Benefits

Stem plant Convallariaceae, lily of the valley. Medicinal drug Convallariae herba – lily of the valley herb: the aerial parts of the L. collected at flowering time (PH 4) – no longer officinal. Preparations Discontinued powder Ingredients Cardiac glycosides of the cardenolide type: convallatoxin. Effects Positively inotropic Diuretic: natriuretic, kaliuretic Economizes the work of the … Lily of the Valley Health Benefits


Products Saffron is commercially available as an expensive spice in the form of threads or powder. Saffron extract is found in dietary supplements. Stem plant Saffron L. from the iris family (Iridaceae) is a perennial plant that is grown extensively in Iran and the Mediterranean region, for example. In many countries, it has been cultivated … Saffron

Ignatius Bean

Products Ignatius bean is found in numerous alternative medicine remedies, primarily homeopathics. Stem plant Loganiaceae, Ignatius bean. Medicinal drug The seeds, Ignatii semen, are used as a medicinal drug. Ingredients Ingredients include toxic alkaloids such as strychnine and brucine. Effects Stimulant properties have been attributed to the Ignatius bean. Indications In the past the Ignatius … Ignatius Bean

Alpine Lady’s Mantle

Stem plant Rosaceae, alpine lady’s mantle, see also under lady’s mantle. Medicinal drug Alchemillae alpinae herba, alpine lady’s mantle herb. Indications In folk medicine as a women’s tea for female disorders, for example menstrual cramps or menopausal symptoms. Commission E evaluates the use negatively. Adverse effects None known to date.


Products Psyllium seeds are available as a medicinal raw material and as a drug (e.g., mucilar) in pharmacies and drugstores. Indian psyllium (Indian psyllium husk, see there) is also used. Stem plants Psyllium belongs to the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The parent plants are and . Medicinal drug The mature, whole and dried seeds (Psyllii semen) … Psyllium

Medicinal Drug

Parts of the plant used Leaves (folium) Flowers (Flos) Fruits (Fructus) Tuber (Tuber) Herb (Herba) Bark (Cortex) Seeds (Semen) Root (Radix) Rootstock (rhizoma) Bulb (bulb) Wood (Lignum) Stems (Stipes, Caulis) Branch (Ramulus) Branch tip (Summitates) Bran (Furfur) Drug names are written in Latin in the singular, for example, Betulae folium – birch leaves. See also … Medicinal Drug


Definition Drugs or medicines are preparations which are intended for medical use on humans. They are used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for prevention (e.g. vaccines) and for diagnostics (e.g. contrast media). Veterinary drugs, which are used in animals, are also counted among medicinal products. Active pharmaceutical ingredients Pharmaceuticals usually contain … Drugs

African Plum Tree

Stem plant African plum tree. Medicinal drug Pruni africanae cortex – African plum tree bark: The whole or cut bark of the stems and branches of (Hook f.) Kalkm. (syn. Hook f.) (PhEur). Preparations Pygei africani extractum Pygei africani extractum ethanolicum et chloroformiatum siccum Indications Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Sweet Wood

Products Licorice is available as cut open or in the form of licorice stems in pharmacies and drugstores. Licorice extract is found in bronchial pastilles, in teas, and various cough medicines, among other products. The extract is also a component of licorice and corresponding confectionery. Stem plant Stem plants include various -species of the legume … Sweet Wood

Eye Ointments Uses

Products In many countries, few eye ointments are currently on the market because eye drops are more commonly used. Some eye drops are available without prescription, while others are available only with a doctor’s prescription. Structure and properties Eye ointments are semisolid and sterile preparations for application to the eye, intended for use on the … Eye Ointments Uses