Recovery gymnastics exercises and duration

A pregnancy lasts at best 40 weeks so that the child can come into the world completely developed. A miracle of nature, but some things change in a woman’s body. In addition to the hormonal changes and corresponding symptoms in early pregnancy, such as nausea, vomiting, strong mood swings, ravenous appetite attacks, extreme tiredness and increased susceptibility to infections, extreme physical changes occur in the further course of the pregnancy.


At birth the child has a weight of approx. 2800-3700g and a height of 48-56cm, therefore it needs a lot of space in the uterus. The uterus expands accordingly, but returns to its normal size with the help of regression gymnastics.

However, it is important to know that every pregnancy naturally has an effect on the tissue of the uterus but also on the elasticity of the uterine ligaments, the bladder and the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor ensures that a person is able to hold urine and decide for themselves when it should be discharged (continence). It also ensures that the organs in the pelvis are fixed in the correct position to ensure physiological function.

Therefore it is important to do a proper recovery gymnastics already after the first pregnancy and to do regular pelvic floor exercises afterwards. In addition to the changes in the body, traces of the pregnancy can also be seen on the skin. In the area of the abdomen, legs or breasts, streaks can often be seen, which are caused by the large increase in volume.

So-called striae, a stripe from the symphysis along the rectus diastasis, also occur during pregnancy. All symptoms are normal and important for the good development of the child. Depending on the hospital, recovery exercises are started one day after the birth. With a caesarean section, everything is postponed by one day.

The pelvic floor

In general, it is important to know whether an perineal tear is present in a natural birth, as this has a negative influence on the therapy due to the extreme pain. Before starting the regression gymnastics, it is very important to inform the patient. Many women do not even know how the pelvic floor is constructed and how important it is.

The pelvic floor can be clearly explained as a three-layer system, which, like a filter bag, sits in the small pelvis and has a protective and holding function. These 3 layers lie on top of each other and can be activated by different exercises. Tension is achieved by contracting the ischial tuberosity without tensioning the gluteal muscles, imagining picking a cherry pit and pulling apart a panty liner.

It should be made clear to the mother that avoiding the regression exercises can cause serious problems in the long term. In addition, the patient is advised to follow general rules of behavior, including Lie down and sit up rolling over the side, exhaling, turning the head to the side when coughing and sneezing to reduce pressure on the pelvic floor. When going to the toilet, do not push, when doing a big business keep your lower back rather round, when passing urine keep your back rather upright.

In general pay attention to an upright posture. When bending down, make sure that your back is straight and exhale while doing so. Avoid tight clothing to reduce pressure on the abdomen. These articles may also be of interest to you:

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