Late effects on the skin | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects on the skin The skin is the organ that is most often damaged during radiation therapy. With the exception of “irradiation from within” (so-called brachytherapy), which is possible in some cancers, the radiation must penetrate the skin and damage can almost never be completely avoided. In addition to the often early skin irritations, … Late effects on the skin | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after radiation therapy for colorectal cancer | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after radiation therapy for colorectal cancer In colorectal cancer, irradiation is usually only used if the cancer is rectal. In fact, radiation is often performed before surgery. Late effects of radiation after colorectal cancer are therefore mainly found in the small pelvis. A distinction can be made between damage to the bowel itself … Late effects after radiation therapy for colorectal cancer | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after irradiation of the pelvis | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after irradiation of the pelvis Irradiation in the pelvis can cause various late complications, since many different organs and sometimes very fine and sensitive pathways run in a confined space. In the intestine, adhesions or constrictions can occur as a late consequence. Irradiation can thus be responsible for complaints such as intestinal cramps … Late effects after irradiation of the pelvis | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after irradiation of the bladder | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after irradiation of the bladder After irradiation of the bladder, various late effects are possible. In most cases the function of emptying the bladder is disturbed. Two different courses are possible. In some people, an uncontrolled leakage of urine (incontinence) occurs as a late consequence. On the contrary, the late consequence of radiation … Late effects after irradiation of the bladder | Late effects after irradiation

Eyebrow colour

How is the eyebrow colour created? The colour of a person’s eyebrows is created by the absorption and reflection of light. These processes depend mainly on the pigmentation, which is caused by the content and type of melanin. Melanin is an organic dye that is produced by specialized cells, the melanocytes, and absorbs light. If … Eyebrow colour

Can I change the colour of my eyebrows naturally? | Eyebrow colour

Can I change the colour of my eyebrows naturally? The colour of the eyebrows is genetically determined. To a certain extent, however, it can also be influenced naturally. This can be done, for example, by solar radiation. However, the effect varies greatly from individual to individual and is often rather weak. In addition, it should … Can I change the colour of my eyebrows naturally? | Eyebrow colour