Viral Diseases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In a viral disease, viruses enter the human body and multiply there. The result is symptoms of illness that vary depending on the virus.

What is a viral disease?

A viral disease is the result of a viral infection. Viruses can enter the cells of the body. Once they have multiplied there, the body responds with symptoms of disease. Viruses need other organisms to multiply. They use the cells of the respective organism as host cells. Multiplication is not successful outside the host cell preferred by the respective virus. Viruses take control of the host cell after successful invasion. If the body’s immune system recognizes the reprogrammed cells, it causes the affected cells to die. The result is inflammation, which is usually part of the viral disease. Viral diseases can lead to the death of the affected organism. However, viruses benefit from keeping their host alive – otherwise they can no longer reproduce. Viruses that are not yet adapted to the human organism as host pose a great danger. This also applies to viruses that do not affect their host but are already transmissible.


The cause of a viral disease is the successful invasion of an organism by viruses. Infection can occur by a variety of routes:

Droplet infection: viruses become airborne from already infected people when they talk, cough, or sneeze. If the viruses get from there to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract of other people, they also become infected. Examples include the common cold, measles, and chickenpox. Contact/smear infection: In contrast to droplet infection, the viruses are not transmitted via the air, but through bodily excretions of infected people or animals. In a direct contact infection, the affected person comes into contact with the infected person. Indirectly, viruses can be transmitted through contaminated objects or food. Examples include polio (infantile paralysis) and Ebola. Bodily fluids: In this case, viruses transmit through direct mucosal or blood contact. Examples include HIV and hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Transmission through insect bites represents a subcategory: Some viruses are passed on by blood-sucking insects, such as TBE viruses through tick bites.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

A viral illness is usually associated with fairly clear and typical symptoms, so affected individuals can recognize a viral infection without a medical diagnosis. Probably the most obvious symptom is a general feeling of malaise. Affected persons feel very tired and are very limited in their performance. In addition, there is often an inflammation of the respiratory tract, so that a strong and annoying cough can develop. Rhinitis, aching limbs and severe headaches are further symptoms that can occur in connection with a viral illness. Anyone who forgoes medical and drug treatment at this point must reckon with a considerable aggravation of the previously mentioned symptoms. Those who opt for such treatment at the first signs of a viral illness will be able to experience a rapid and speedy recovery. V The severity of individual symptoms depends on whether the affected person decides to seek treatment from a doctor. Ideally, such treatment can nip individual symptoms in the bud, so that nothing stands in the way of a full recovery. Definitely, in the case of a viral disease, going to the doctor should not be put off for a long time.

Diagnosis and course

Viruses that cause colds and flu usually lead to a harmless viral illness. The course of the disease begins with a cold, cough and fatigue. The affected person sometimes has a fever. In the case of flu-like infections, the course is usually more protracted and the symptoms more pronounced. If the sufferer exerts himself too much, secondary diseases such as pneumonia, heart damage or infections in the ear and sinuses can occur. Typical childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella or chicken pox usually show a harmless course of disease. Typical for these viral diseases are skin rashes, which look different depending on the virus and sometimes itch. General malaise and fever accompany the disease. Children are vaccinated against some of these viruses, including polio, as a precaution.In some cases, complications occur that can lead to permanent organ damage. The course of the disease in people infected with the HIV virus varies greatly. Often, people live with it for years almost unaffected. HIV viruses attack the immune system. In most cases, the viral disease leads to death. Viruses that are not adapted to humans as hosts lead to a particularly severe course of the disease. The mortality rate for such viral diseases is high. There can be widespread epidemics as well as pandemics. Well-known examples are swine flu and Ebola fever.

When should you go to the doctor?

Viruses have the property of being able to spread rapidly in the organism within a few hours or days. If they are offered little or no resistance, the general state of health quickly deteriorates. Only rarely does the body manage to fight off a viral disease on its own without support. For this reason, people with a weakened or not yet fully mature immune system in particular should consult a doctor immediately at the first signs of a health impairment. In the event of a decrease in physical performance, internal weakness or a diffuse feeling of illness, the organism needs help. If there is a fever, loss of internal strength, headache, cough or cold, a doctor should be consulted. In case of vomiting, diarrhea and a loss of appetite, medical assistance is also advisable. If daily obligations cannot be fulfilled, if further functional disorders develop or if the affected person suffers from pain, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Sleep disorders, impaired concentration and attention, and loss of mobility should be examined and treated. A visit to the doctor is advisable in the case of sweating, cramps and bleeding. If existing complaints increase in scope and intensity or if further irregularities become apparent, the help of a physician should be sought as soon as possible.

Treatment and therapy

Doctors do not treat viral infections with antibiotics, unlike bacterial infections. They may prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. For flu-like infections and colds, bed rest and adequate hydration help. Salt water helps with swollen mucous membranes. It can be supplied in the form of nasal sprays or nasal rinses. Headache tablets can be used, as well as soothing throat tablets. The supply of vitamin C strengthens the general defense. In the case of childhood illnesses, the focus is on relieving itching. The doctor and parents continuously check the general condition in order to exclude complications and secondary diseases as far as possible. Nowadays, HIV patients have a number of different drugs at their disposal that can reduce the viral load in the body. The drugs respond differently to each patient. Continuous medical care is therefore essential.


Some viral diseases can be prevented, especially through good hygiene. Regular exercise and a healthy diet rich in vitamins strengthen the immune system. Thus, some viruses can be blocked. Vaccinations are currently only possible against a small number of viruses. These include the childhood diseases polio, measles, mumps, chickenpox and rubella. Other examples are TBE and hepatitis A and B.

People infected with HIV can prevent the virus from being passed on by only engaging in protected sexual intercourse. Follow-up care for viral diseases depends on the particular disease. It can be discussed with the family doctor or specialist. The patient’s cooperation is important to speed recovery and, if necessary, to avoid relapse or other complications.


A viral illness is often associated with a weakening of the organism. Here it is important to slowly restore the old performance capacity without overexerting oneself. In this context, good and sufficient sleep is important, as this provides a significant recovery function for the body during aftercare. A balanced diet is also part of aftercare. Fruits and vegetables can rebuild the immune system through the vitamins they contain and thus strengthen the body’s own defenses against viruses, but also bacteria. It is also important to drink enough.Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water or herbal teas daily can be particularly effective. If the viral disease has affected the intestine or stomach, a light diet is often additionally helpful during aftercare. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs should of course be taboo. A trained body is often more resistant to infections. The organism can be toughened up by doses of physical activity, but also by toughening up in the sauna or by treading water according to Kneipp. However, overstraining is to be avoided at all costs in the aftercare following viral illnesses.

This is what you can do yourself

In the case of viral diseases, a medical clarification is necessary. Medication may be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. The most important measure is bed rest. In addition, sufficient fluids must be consumed. The diet is composed of sparing food such as rusk, chicken broth or grated apple. Inhalation of salt water is recommended for swollen mucous membranes. Nasal sprays or rinses are also useful. Accompanying this, good personal hygiene is important. Regular hand washing prevents other people from being infected. Children who are ill should be carefully observed. If their health deteriorates, they should seek medical advice. Particularly in the case of serious illnesses such as polio or mumps, close observation and, at best, close medical monitoring are important to ensure the child’s health. In the case of notifiable viral diseases such as diphtheria or acute viral hepatitis, the appropriate authorities should be informed. Contact with other persons should be restricted until the illness has subsided. The measures that can be taken in the case of a viral illness itself depend on the nature of the illness. The responsible physician can suggest appropriate measures and, if necessary, consult a nutritionist and various specialists.