Pain behind the sternum

Introduction Pain behind the sternum (retrosternal pain) can have various causes. By definition, these are chest pains that lie more or less directly behind the breastbone (sternum) and can have different characteristics. In principle, organs that are located in close proximity to each other are most likely to be affected. These are the esophagus with … Pain behind the sternum

Diagnosis | Pain behind the sternum

Diagnosis Depending on the clinical suspicion, the diagnostic measures are often different. First, a detailed description of pain quality, pain intensity and pain character is necessary for further evaluation by the physician.It is important to know when the pain occurs preferentially, where it is located exactly, whether it radiates, what aggravates or improves it and … Diagnosis | Pain behind the sternum

Pain behind the sternum after eating | Pain behind the sternum

Pain behind the sternum after eating Pain during or shortly after eating, located behind the sternum or in the upper abdomen, usually indicates gastritis. Affected persons sometimes describe that the pain improves a little immediately after eating, but then returns to its original state after a relatively short time. If the pain is accompanied by … Pain behind the sternum after eating | Pain behind the sternum