Way Rocket: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Road rocket is mainly known as a weed on roadsides of fields or in gardens. In Europe, it is very common and has acquired various names over time. While it used to be used in folk medicine, it is now almost forgotten in traditional medicine.

Occurrence and cultivation of the way rocket

Very often, the way rocket is found in rapeseed fields. Other names by which way-robin is known are common rocket or true rocket, rough mustard, singer’s weed, yellow verbena or way mustard. In English, it is referred to as Hedge Mustard. Its botanical name is Sisymbrium officinale and it belongs to the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae). It is an annual plant that can grow between thirty and seventy centimeters tall. Its pods grow up to two centimeters long. Road rocket grows erect and has arching upward growing lateral branching. Between May and August, the four-petaled, small flowers bloom. The petals are two to four millimeters long and yellow. It is pollinated either by insects or by self-pollination. The plant is a winter perennial and its chromosome number is 2n=14. The occurrence of rocket is wide. It prefers nutrient-rich soils on banks, embankments, as a weed in the garden or on rubble. It can spread especially in warm places. It is very common in rape fields. Its main area of distribution is Europe and Asia. In Germany it is widespread, but grows rather rarely at high altitudes. Today it is found all over the world. After it was brought with to North America, however, it grows almost exclusively in the vicinity of settlement areas, since in the untreated nature its site requirements are hardly met. While it is used in folk medicine for humans, rocket is toxic to some animals. This is especially true for grazing animals (for example, horses), which therefore avoid it as a food source.

Effect and application

The leaves and seeds find application in cooking, among other things. One possibility is their use in wild salads and in vegetable preparation. Here, mainly the young shoots are used. The seeds of rocket have a mustardy aroma and can therefore also be used as a spice. It is also possible to powder the plant and use it as mustard powder. In addition, there is the cress-like, piquant taste of the chopped leaves, which can be used accordingly. In addition, the way rocket has a long history in folk medicine. Today it is somewhat forgotten in this field. Here, it is mainly the herb that finds application. Its ingredients are predestined to be used against various ailments and diseases. It contains essential oils, sulfur compounds such as mustard oil glycosides and rhodanic hydrogen, myrosin, tannic acid, and vitamin C. Therefore, it is used in pharmacy from time to time. Depending on the species, it is additionally used in veterinary medicine. This can be done internally as well as externally. Its main application is the use of the herb in infusion teas. Depending on the type of ailment, a wide variety of recipes can be found for this. However, tinctures and cough syrup are also made from the leaves. Even though rocket is hardly ever used in conventional medicine, it is still used in homeopathy. On the one hand it has an invigorating and diuretic effect, but on the other hand it is also expectorant and hemostatic. However, it should not be used in children and its use should only be under supervision. The reason for this is the risk of incipient cardiac arrhythmia in case of overdose.

Health significance, treatment and prevention.

Folk medicine uses the way rocket for various ailments. In the past, the herb was used for vocal cord inflammation and therefore was increasingly used by singers who had problems with their voice. This application has earned the way rocket the name singer’s herb. In addition, there is its possible use in the respiratory tract. Processed into cough syrup, it is expectorant and facilitates breathing. In addition, it is also used against bronchitis or even laryngitis. It is also expectorant and therefore a good way to relieve cold symptoms in the throat and sinuses. Way rocket can also relieve associated hoarseness. It is also wound cleansing and disinfecting.The medicinal plant has also been used against jaundice and scurvy, with one of the main focuses on its use in digestive difficulties. Its action in scurvy results from the attribution of the disease to vitamin deficiency. The vitamin C content of the plant can compensate for these deficiencies. Infused tea can provide relief for stomach pain or weakness. In addition, it can be used for intestinal problems such as constipation and accordingly has not only a diuretic effect, but also a laxative and digestive effect. Another field of application is its use against acne and for heart problems. Way rocket shows itself to be an all-rounder when used as a home remedy and in homeopathy. One way of preparation for way-rowan tea is the use of 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves. These should be fresh and poured over with 250 milliliters of hot water. After steeping, the tea can be poured off. In case of hoarseness, sufferers can also use the tea for gargling. However, they should not drink more than four cups a day. In this way, undesirable side effects can be prevented. These indications are primarily to be understood as such. In case of prolonged discomfort, consulting a doctor is obligatory.