
Chronic polyarthritis, also called rheumatism, is the most common chronic inflammation of joints. Mostly a metabolic disorder is present. All joints can be affected, but mostly the hands. The inflammation develops in the membrana synovialis (inner skin of the joint) of joints. Since the membrana normally performs the function of feeding the cartilage and acting … Polyarthritis

New therapies | Polyarthritis

New therapies No new therapies for the treatment of polyarthritis have yet been published. At present, attempts are being made to reduce inflammation to a minimum via basic therapy, which is done by increasing the drug dose or changing the medication. A study is currently trying to use immune cells of affected persons for defence. … New therapies | Polyarthritis

Summary | Polyarthritis

Summary Polyarthritis is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the joints. Due to a metabolic disorder, inflammation occurs in several joints, which leads to bony stiffening of the joints during the course of the disease. Depending on the severity of the disease, a curvature of certain areas of the joint may also occur. The causes are … Summary | Polyarthritis

Exercises | Physiotherapy for swellings and nodules on the finger joints

Exercises The best exercises for knot formation on the fingers are all active exercises of the fingers and hand. The active exercises are intended to preserve the remaining synovial fluid. This exercise should be done in the pain-free phase so that the inflammation in the fingers is not increased. It is also important to train … Exercises | Physiotherapy for swellings and nodules on the finger joints

Summary | Physiotherapy for swellings and nodules on the finger joints

Summary Swelling and lumps on the fingers are usually symptoms of osteoarthritis in the finger joints. This results in restricted movement and pain, which should definitely be treated in physiotherapy or in self-therapy. Self-exercises such as mobilization and strength building by kneading should be performed regularly. Chronic diseases such as gout, polyarthritis and arthrosis of … Summary | Physiotherapy for swellings and nodules on the finger joints

Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory and systemic joint disease. It manifests as pain, symmetrically tense, achy, warm, and swollen joints, swelling, and morning stiffness that lasts for more than an hour. Initially, the hands, wrists, and feet are most affected, but later numerous other joints are also affected. Over time, deformities and rheumatoid … Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes and Treatment

Physiotherapy Spondylarthritis

Spondylarthritis is an illness from the rheumatic form. Frequently occurring inflammation occurs, primarily in the vertebral joints (facet joints), and the resulting degenerative changes in the joints, up to deformity and loss of mobility. Respiration may also be restricted, since increased hunchback formation reduces the mobility of the rib cage and ribs. Exercises Physiotherapeutic exercises … Physiotherapy Spondylarthritis

Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy Spondylarthritis

Further therapeutic measures In order to complete the therapy for spondylarthritis, individual physiotherapeutic treatment should take place in addition to the active exercise program. This includes above all respiratory therapy. Through the targeted laying on of hands or the use of light resistance, breathing can be directed to specific areas. The respiratory muscles can also … Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy Spondylarthritis

Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for rheumatism

Further therapeutic measures The treatment spectrum for rheumatic diseases is wide. In addition to physiotherapy with manual therapy, exercises and soft tissue treatment, physical therapy is also used. Heat and cold applications can alleviate symptoms and influence inflammation. Rheumatism groups (Rheumaliga) or water gymnastics are frequently offered. In the medium water the joints are less … Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for rheumatism

Physiotherapy for rheumatism

There is a variety of rheumatic diseases that can be divided into different categories. In physiotherapy, especially rheumatic diseases affecting the joints are treated. For example, chronic polyarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis belong to this category. Other structures can also be affected by rheumatic diseases. Frequently patients are also found in physiotherapy with fibromyalgia, the so-called … Physiotherapy for rheumatism