Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

How should milk work against heartburn? In the case of heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease), stomach acid rising into the esophagus irritates the mucous membrane. This causes the typical dull, burning pain behind the breastbone. In addition, there are symptoms such as acidic belching or stomach pain. Many affected persons take home remedies as first aid … Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

Medical evaluation | Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

Medical evaluation Since the soothing effect of milk on heartburn is very controversial and the damaging or reinforcing effect on the symptoms is strongly discussed, drinking milk should be avoided in the case of heartburn.Because the constant burping of stomach acid can severely damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus, it is generally best to … Medical evaluation | Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

Inflammation stomach

Introduction Inflammation of the stomach is a widespread clinical picture which represents a not insignificant problem both for the affected person and in our society in general. Every fifth person in Germany has been affected by it at least once. In other nations, too, gastritis with its many different characteristics and diverse causes is a … Inflammation stomach


Synonyms in a broader sense Proton pump inhibitors, PPI, active ingredients with the suffix -prazole (e.g. Pantoprazole), Antra® pump inhibitors Introduction Normally there is a balance in the stomach between the production of the aggressive gastric acid and the protective mechanisms of mucus and hydrogen carbonate formation. For the production of gastric acid, the vascular … Omeprazole

Pharmacokinetics of Omeprazole | Omeprazole

Pharmacokinetics of Omeprazole Omeprazole has its site of action at the proton pumps, which are located at the document cell membrane and point towards the stomach lumen. In order to reach the document cell, however, the substance omeprazole must not already be activated in the stomach. Therefore, the drug is administered as an acid-proof capsule. … Pharmacokinetics of Omeprazole | Omeprazole

Side effects of Omeprazole | Omeprazole

Side effects of Omeprazole Omeprozole is generally well tolerated. Even when high doses are administered and the duration of therapy is long, side effects rarely occur. 1-2% of patients complain of gastrointestinal complaints. As a rule, this is due to an altered bacterial colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, because the stomach acid normally ensures that … Side effects of Omeprazole | Omeprazole

Interactions of omeprazole with other drugs | Omeprazole

Interactions of omeprazole with other drugs Omeprazole may slow down the breakdown of other medicines such as diazepam (psychotropic drug), phenytoin (medicine for heart rhythm disturbances or seizures) or warfarin (anticoagulant). Contraindications of Omeprazole Omeprazole must not be given in cases of severe liver dysfunction. Another contraindication is the simultaneous administration of clopidogrel. Clopidogrel is … Interactions of omeprazole with other drugs | Omeprazole


Introduction Omep® is a highly effective drug for the treatment of diseases caused by acid gastric acid. These include inflammation of the esophagus and the common heartburn. The active ingredient contained in Omep® is omeprazole. Omep® is a drug in the group of proton pump inhibitors (proton pump inhibitor=PPI). So if you burp acidly or … Omep®