Solarium: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The solarium is especially popular in the winter months, before vacation trips and as a regular tanning option for the skin. The tanning is done with artificial UV light and occurs quickly. What is a solarium? A solarium is an establishment where several sunbeds are operated. Each tanning bed has UV tubes with which the … Solarium: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Map Tongue

Symptoms Map tongue is a benign, inflammatory change of the tongue surface in which round to oval, ulcerated, reddened islands (exfoliations) with white margins appear on and around the tongue. In the center, the fungal papillae (papillae fungiformes) are recognizable as enlarged red dots, the filiform papillae are lost and become more keratinized in the … Map Tongue

Torn nail

General information Torn nails can have a wide variety of characteristics and causes. These range from cosmetically unattractive but small tears to severe injuries; and from small traumas as the cause to genetically caused formation disorders of the nail. As different as their characteristics and causes are, as different are their occurrences. The small, only … Torn nail

Pain with a torn nail | Torn nail

Pain with a torn nail A nail bed inflammation can be very painful and those affected often suffer from severe throbbing or stabbing pain. Because bacteria enter the tissue through the wound, the body reacts with a severe inflammation at the affected area and heat is generated, reddening and the finger or toe swells and … Pain with a torn nail | Torn nail

Torn fingernail | Torn nail

Torn fingernail A torn fingernail is often a problem for cosmetic rather than medical reasons and can usually be easily treated. If the crack is in the white area of the nail, the nail can be quickly cut or filed. Deeper cracks are painful and can lead to nail bed inflammation. There are several causes … Torn fingernail | Torn nail

Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – What is the difference?

Introduction Both neurodermatitis and psoriasis are chronic inflammatory skin diseases that are accompanied by reddening and scaling of the skin. However, there are important differences in the development of the diseases and in their form of manifestation, which make different treatment necessary. An exact differentiation of the two diseases is therefore very important but not … Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – What is the difference?

What is psoriasis? | Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – What is the difference?

What is psoriasis? Psoriasis vulgaris is a benign, chronic inflammatory, non-infectious skin disease. It is characterized by easily distinguishable, reddish patches, usually covered by whitish scales. The skin changes are mainly found on the extensor sides of the extremities (elbows, knees, possibly hairy scalp) and can be accompanied by itching as well as nail changes. … What is psoriasis? | Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – What is the difference?

Is it possible to get neurodermatitis and psoriasis simultaneously? | Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – What is the difference?

Is it possible to get neurodermatitis and psoriasis simultaneously? A simultaneous occurrence of psoriasis and neurodermatitis is possible but very rare. There is no direct connection between the two diseases. The inflammatory factors, which play an important role in the development of psoriasis, are not involved in neurodermatitis. The same is true the other way … Is it possible to get neurodermatitis and psoriasis simultaneously? | Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – What is the difference?


Definition The name “psoriasis” is based on the Greek word “psora”, which stands for “scratching” or “itching”. Psoriasis is a benign, chronic, non-infectious, inflammatory skin disease. It is characterized by easily distinguishable, reddish spots, which are usually covered by whitish scales. There are two forms (psoriasis vulgaris and pustular psoriasis), each of which can also … Psoriasis

Causes of psoriasis | Psoriasis

Causes of psoriasis Psoriasis is a disease with a hereditary disposition. The predisposition for it is therefore in our genes. Thus, an accumulation within the families is also noticeable. The theory of heredity has been proven by twin studies. The increased occurrence in identical twins clearly speaks for the genetic component of psoriasis. However, inheritance … Causes of psoriasis | Psoriasis

Psoriasis diagnosis | Psoriasis

Psoriasis diagnosis During the examination by the doctor, one of the scales is carefully scraped off. The following psoriasis phenomena appear one after the other: Under the microscope, the typical cornifications and inflammatory cells can be seen in one incision. “candle dropping phenomenon” by scratching a lamellar scaling appears “phenomenon of the last cuticle” at … Psoriasis diagnosis | Psoriasis

Prophylaxis | Psoriasis

Prophylaxis There is no prophylaxis to prevent the first outbreak of this disease. However, certain risk factors such as smoking and overweight can be avoided. Episodes can be delayed by following a healthy lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided. Nutritionally, so-called omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect. These fatty acids are mainly found … Prophylaxis | Psoriasis