
Latin name: Ononis spinosaGenus: Butterfly blossom plantsPopular names: Hasenöhrle, HaythornPlant description: A 30 to 60 cm high shrub with hairy thorny stems and fine-toothed leaves grows from a strong taproot. Pinkish red flowers arranged in clusters. Flowering time: June to August Occurs: Sunny and dry places at the edge of forests, paths and fields. Medicinally … Hypocrite

Bitter Clover

Latin name: Menyanthes TrifoliataGenus: fever clover plants, protected!common names: Trifoliate, rabbit’s ear, gall, fevercloverPlant description: The plant grows on marshy soils of water bodies or in mud with a creeping rhizome that develops racemes or panicles with numerous flowers from May to June. The stem is smooth with trifoliate leaves. Origin: Spread in Europe, Asia … Bitter Clover