Swollen palate and toothache | Swelling of the palate

Swollen palate and toothache A throbbing, persistent toothache and a swollen palate often indicate an inflammation of the tooth root. Tooth root inflammation is usually caused by caries, which has penetrated to the very core of the tooth, the pulp. The inflammation can also affect the gums and lead to bleeding gums. Therapeutically, a root … Swollen palate and toothache | Swelling of the palate

Duration of nerve inflammation in different parts of the body | Duration of nerve inflammation

Duration of nerve inflammation in different parts of the body The cause of nerve inflammation of the ribs is often shingles, which is accompanied by blistering and redness on the skin surface and pain. Shingles usually heals completely in 2-4 weeks. To avoid complications, treatment should be carried out within the first 2-3 days after … Duration of nerve inflammation in different parts of the body | Duration of nerve inflammation

Duration of nerve inflammation

Introduction Inflammation of the nerves is usually painful and restrictive, which is why you want to get well again as soon as possible. The duration of a nerve inflammation is very variable and depends on various factors such as location and cause of inflammation. An early start of therapy is always recommended. It shortens the … Duration of nerve inflammation

Symptoms of meningitis | Symptoms of neuroborreliosis

Symptoms of meningitis The meninges can also be affected by neuroborreliosis. However, these are not purulent inflamed, as is the case with classic bacterial meningitis. Borreliosis meningitis is more likely to occur in the context of chronic neuroborreliosis (i.e. in stage 3). In addition to the meninges, the brain tissue or spinal cord are often … Symptoms of meningitis | Symptoms of neuroborreliosis

Lack of concentration and lack of drive | Symptoms of neuroborreliosis

Lack of concentration and lack of drive Particularly in the context of chronic neuroborreliosis, concentration disorders and listlessness can occur. In this context one also speaks of the organic psychosyndrome. Concentration disorders are for example also a typical syndrome of depression, which can occur in the advanced stage of neuroborreliosis. Detailed information about this syndrome … Lack of concentration and lack of drive | Symptoms of neuroborreliosis

Chronic sinusitis | Sinusitis of the maxillary sinus

Chronic sinusitis The chronic form of sinusitis is a disease that lasts longer than two to three months. Inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinus, which occur several times within a short period of time, also belong to the chronic form of this disease. In most cases, a chronic sinusitis results directly from an acute disease. … Chronic sinusitis | Sinusitis of the maxillary sinus