Skin rash due to stress

The largest organ of the body, the skin, is often the projection surface for processes that take place inside the body. Thus, increased stress on the skin can also manifest itself in some people through skin rashes (so-called exanthema). The word “stress” is used very often, but the actual biological meaning of it is ultimately … Skin rash due to stress

Stress and neurodermatitis | Skin rash due to stress

Stress and neurodermatitis The appearance of neurodermatitis can vary greatly, but mostly dry, strongly reddened and often inflamed skin rashes are found, which itch very strongly. In addition, the skin in the affected areas can generally thicken and become incrusted, even forming nodules. Mostly the rashes are located in the articular bends like the elbows … Stress and neurodermatitis | Skin rash due to stress