Abdominal muscle training for beginners | Training of the abdominal musculature

Abdominal muscle training for beginners

Also in the abdominal exercises there are simple exercises for beginners and more difficult exercises for advanced and experienced users. Among the simple exercises are especially abdominal exercises that are performed in the machine. These include classic abdominal trainers and equipment such as “Abdominal Crunch“.

Here the emphasis is on the pure strength development of the abdominal muscles. In the free exercises, the athletes have to keep their balance on their own and the coordinative demands are much higher. Therefore not all free abdominal exercises are suitable for beginners.

The classic crunch and sit-up are exercises that can be performed by any person. They involve bending the trunk, which contracts the abdominal muscles. Leg lifting while lying down is another beginner exercise. The Plank and side Plank can also be performed by all athletes, because the position is clear and the holding time is important.

Abdominal muscle training for women

When training the abdominal muscles, women and men sometimes differ significantly. While men focus on the six-pack, women’s abdomen should be flat and not too muscular. In addition, men prefer to train with weights, whereas women like to use their own body weight and train without aids.

For the upper and lower abdominal muscles, the crunch with outstretched arms is ideal. The feet are placed on the back so that the legs are angled. The arms are stretched out over the head and placed on the floor.

Now lift your arms and upper body off the floor and raise them as high as possible so that your lower back is still on the floor. Then the arms and upper back are led down again and held just before the floor. From this position the lifting process is started again.

An exercise that also involves the lateral abdominal muscles is the twisted crunch. The legs are positioned vertically above the buttocks while lying on the back. The arms are bent and the fingers grip the back of the head.

Now the opposite elbow is moved alternately in the direction of the knees. The upper body is lifted off the floor and right elbow moves towards the left knee, and left elbow moves towards the right knee. The forearm support is another exercise that is very popular with women. A bridge is formed from ankle to forearm, with the body held in a horizontal position parallel to the floor. Women also like to use the lateral forearm support to train the lateral abdominal muscles.