Instincts and Drives: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Instincts or drives are innate driving bases for certain behaviors. Instinctual behavior occurs outside of mental control and is embedded in the central nervous system via reflexes, for example. In humans, the innate order of instincts is subordinate to the social order. What are the instincts? Instinctual behavior takes place outside of mental control and … Instincts and Drives: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Importance of Reflexes in the Body

When the doctor shines his light into your eyes or uses his reflex hammer, this action, unpleasant in itself, has the goal of checking your reflexes and thus the state of your nervous functions, because the multitude of bodily reactions, most of which are unconscious to us, shows exactly how our brain performance is doing. … Importance of Reflexes in the Body

Nerve root inflammation

Definiton A nerve root inflammation, also called radiculopathy, radiculitis or root neuritis, describes the damage and irritation of a nerve root at the spine. A pair of nerve roots emerges between each vertebra: One pair each on the left and right. The nerve root can be damaged at this exit point. This can be an … Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine Inflammations of the nerve roots in the area of the cervical spine are often very unpleasant and sometimes associated with very severe pain. Depending on the site of the inflammation, the affected persons have tension in the neck, shoulder or between the shoulder blades. The tension can be … Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Anaesthesia stages

Definition The American anaesthetist Arthur Guedel established in 1920 in studies that anaesthesia consists of different stages. These can be distinguished by reflexes, pupil width, movements, pulse, respiratory drive and consciousness of the patient. Guedel observed these stages during ether anaesthesia and they can only be transferred to a pure gas anaesthesia and not to … Anaesthesia stages

Stage 3 | Anaesthesia stages

Stage 3 The third stage is the tolerance stage and the desired state during the surgical procedure. The beginning of this stage is the end of involuntary muscle twitches. The cerebrum, midbrain and also the spinal cord are now completely inhibited. This leads to the loss or strong inhibition of reflexes and muscle tone. The … Stage 3 | Anaesthesia stages

U5 Examination

What is the U5? The U5 examination is one of the early detection examinations in childhood and adolescence. It is performed between the sixth and seventh month of life. During this period, the interaction between parents and child increases steadily. The doctor checks the physical and mental development and dexterity of the child and makes … U5 Examination

What is the process of the U5? | U5 Examination

What is the process of the U5? The procedure of the U5 examination is clearly structured so that no essential examination for a comprehensive assessment of the child’s stage of development is forgotten. First, the attending pediatrician conducts a detailed conversation with the parents about the child’s current stage of development, eating and sleeping behavior, … What is the process of the U5? | U5 Examination