Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Homeopathy belongs to the field of alternative/complementary or even natural medicine. These are methods of treatment and healing that are intended to stimulate the body to heal itself naturally. In contrast to conventional medicine, effects are not scientifically verifiable and are often condemned by critics as placebo (i.e. without real effect/apparent effect). They say that … Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Fields of application | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Fields of application The homeopathic pellets can now be found for just about every complaint, every ailment and every disease. Whether complaints of the musculoskeletal system such as swellings and strains, organ complaints such as nausea, abdominal pain, headaches or even psychological and chronic illnesses, according to alternative medicine, all these can be treated with … Fields of application | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Homeopathy: Home pharmacy/drug and its effect | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Homeopathy: Home pharmacy/drug and its effect In the following, some of the most common homeopathic remedies are presented, which are nowadays found as standard in many home pharmacies. For example, Arnica, Calendula and Ansenicum album globules are often found in natural sports pharmacies. The list of common homeopathic remedies is long, as there really seems … Homeopathy: Home pharmacy/drug and its effect | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Homeopathy for coughs | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Homeopathy for coughs For the homoeopathic treatment of coughs or general cold and respiratory problems, substances such as Aconitum Napellus, Dulcamara, Asarum Europaeum and Corallium Rubrum are suitable. The different substances depend on the different complaints – whether it is a dry cough, a slimy cough, a nausea cough, etc. Aconitum Napellus is blue monkshood … Homeopathy for coughs | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?