Homeopathy for coughs | Homeopathy: What is it? Does it work?

Homeopathy for coughs

For the homoeopathic treatment of coughs or general cold and respiratory problems, substances such as Aconitum Napellus, Dulcamara, Asarum Europaeum and Corallium Rubrum are suitable. The different substances depend on the different complaints – whether it is a dry cough, a slimy cough, a nausea cough, etc. Aconitum Napellus is blue monkshood and belongs to the buttercup family.

The substance of this plant is generally said to help with colds and the coughs they cause. Also used here are substances of the dulcamara, a bitter-sweet nightshade plant. Asarum Europaeum is the poisonous plant hazel root and can be used in many ways.

The substance is often used in patients with coughing problems when it is accompanied by sputum and phlegm. Corallium Rubrum is a marine animal, the red coral. Substances of the skeleton are processed to produce a homeopathic remedy to combat respiratory problems.

Homeopathy for children

Globules, or homeopathic remedies, are often used for children and are in fact often prescribed by a doctor and paid for by the health insurance company. Advantages for children are especially the willingness to take them because of their sweet taste, and the absence of side effects. Whether this gentle therapy really helps or a placebo effect makes the child feel better is left open – as long as it leads to health in the end.

Mothers are often prepared to give their children globules, as many are already introduced to natural remedies during pregnancy, simply because they are no longer allowed to take many medications. As already mentioned, Arnica and Belladonna are also among the most common and popular homeopathic remedies for children. A bladder infection should only be treated homeopathically as long as the illness is not too severe or recurs time and again – then a doctor should be consulted and the bacteria should be fought with antibiotics.If an alternative medical treatment is sufficient, the following remedies are recommended: on the one hand, a remedy made from honey bees (Apis) is suitable and is generally said to help with inflammation in regions of the mucous membranes and more precisely with diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Belladonna, the already mentioned poison of belladonna and a panacea for inflammations, has a similar effect. Again, there are many different globules, each of which depends on the exact symptoms of the cystitis. For example, Sepia helps with the feeling of a strong urge to urinate, Sarsaparilla for very painful urination, Pulsatilla for urine flow that is difficult to control, or Dulcamara for cystitis in connection with colds.

These are just a few of the frequent and varied complaints and its homeopathic remedies. During the menopause of a woman, major changes in the hormone balance take place. This results in many different symptoms, ranging from weight gain to hot flushes and mood swings.

Again, there are various special homeopathic remedies that are intended to counteract these symptoms by causing similar symptoms, i.e. to bring about healing in the body.

  • Cimicifuga is said to be suitable against agitation and sweating attacks. It is known for its hormonal effects and is therefore popular with women.
  • Headaches and irritability should be controlled by sepia. The remedy comes from squid and is often used in the form of globules for gynecological problems.
  • Furthermore, substances such as Ignatia, which has an influence on the psyche, Lachesis, a snake poison which is often used by women during puberty and menopause, or Sulphur – sulphur – which is a well-known and popular homeopathic remedy for the treatment of skin complaints, from itching to increased sweating.
  • Substances from Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot) or Glonoinum (a mixture of sulfur and acids) are said to help against facial flushing and hot flashes.