Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

Cortisone injection, corticoid crystal suspension, intra-articular cortisone injection, risks of intra-articular injection, betamethasone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone Introduction Glucocorticoids, colloquially known as “cortisone“, are very effective drugs in the treatment of inflammation of all kinds and the pain associated with it. In inflammatory joint diseases, they are injected directly into the joint in the form of so-called … Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

Fields of application | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

Fields of application Inflammations of the joint apparatus (knee, hip, etc.) can have various causes. They can be caused by overexertion, incorrect loading, age-related wear and tear (degeneration), autoimmune diseases (the body destroys its own tissue) or bacterial infections. Depending on the type of illness, your doctor will try to improve the symptoms by immobilising … Fields of application | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

How often should an application take place? | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

How often should an application take place? For many patients, a single application is sufficient to cure the symptoms. Depending on the preparation, the anti-inflammatory effect lasts for 3 weeks. If the inflammation has not subsided completely after this period, further cortisone infiltrations should not be carried out too close together. No more than 4 … How often should an application take place? | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases