ADHD and family

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome, Fidgety Phil Syndrome, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Hyperactivity Syndrome, Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, Attention – Deficit – Hyperactivity – Disorder (ADHD), minimal brain syndrome, behavioral disorder with attention and concentration disorder, Fidgety Phil, ADHD. The listing of the various symptom fields of ADHD makes it clear that the … ADHD and family

Cooperation of all those involved in education | ADHD and family

Cooperation of all those involved in education It seems plausible: only if consistent rules are followed and the child itself can apply its training units everywhere in the context of the individual therapy, the behaviours will manifest themselves permanently. Only in this way can success be achieved. Especially at home, a lot can be achieved … Cooperation of all those involved in education | ADHD and family

Therapy of ADHS | ADHD and family

Therapy of ADHS Here you will find further information about a possible therapy for ADHD: The drug therapy: ADHD drugs Psychotherapy and ADHD in particular: Depth Psychology and Behavioural Therapy Special education and ADHS Nutritional therapy with its various possibilities: ADHD nutrition Homeopathy and ADHS Relaxation techniques, like: yoga, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation. All … Therapy of ADHS | ADHD and family

Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADS

Attention Deficit Syndrome, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), ADD, Attention – Deficit – Disorder, minimal brain syndrome, Behavioral Disorder with Attention and Concentration Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, Dreamers, “Hans-guck-in-the-Air”, Dreamers. Attention Deficit Syndrome, Fidgety Philip Syndrome Fidgety Philip, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), ADHD Fidgety Phil, ADHD. Children who suffer from one … Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADS

Therapy of ADHS

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome, Fidgety Phil Syndrome, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Hyperactivity Syndrome, Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, Attention – Deficit – Hyperactivity – Disorder (ADHD), minimal brain syndrome, behavioral disorder with attention and concentration disorder, Fidgety Phil, ADHD. Definition There are three different forms of attention deficit syndrome. These are: Attention deficit … Therapy of ADHS

What therapeutic approaches are available without medication? | Therapy of ADHS

What therapeutic approaches are available without medication? Education and behavioural therapy of the affected persons To understand the disease, guidance on how to deal with the symptoms correctly and to increase attention Psychotherapy To strengthen self-esteem and self-competence in order to compensate for weaknesses independently, and to treat accompanying psychological problems Nutrition and lifestyle Physical … What therapeutic approaches are available without medication? | Therapy of ADHS

The phase of defiance

What is the defiance phase? The defiance phase describes a certain stage of development in children, which children from the age of two go through with varying intensity. In rare cases, the defiant phase does not occur due to social circumstances. During the defiance phase, the child’s behavior changes, it tests how far it can … The phase of defiance

Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems

Introduction Behavioral problems are not a physical or mental illness as such, but they can put a massive strain on the child and its environment. Without professional help, the development and school performance of many children suffer from their symptoms, which can lead to problems later in adult and professional life. The treatment focuses on … Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems

How can children and young people be integrated in school? | Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems

How can children and young people be integrated in school? Promotion and integration go hand in hand, so the principles are the same as described above, first and foremost the calm but firm handling and the setting and enforcement of simple, clear rules. In order to integrate a child successfully, he or she must be … How can children and young people be integrated in school? | Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems