Skin rash without itching in children | Skin rash without itching

Skin rash without itching in children Many children suffer from skin rashes from time to time. As with adults, it can have various causes and is usually harmless. Children often react to detergents or care products with rashes. This is particularly likely if the rash appears after switching to new products and disappears again after … Skin rash without itching in children | Skin rash without itching

The skin changes | Symptoms of a basal cell carcinoma

The skin changes In general, a basal cell carcinoma results in characteristic skin changes, which, however, only become apparent over a longer period of time, as this tumour usually grows rather slowly. In the initial stage, at the site where the basal cell carcinoma later becomes visible, there is often simply a circumscribed hardening (induration) … The skin changes | Symptoms of a basal cell carcinoma

Perioral Dermatitis

Synonyms Perioral dermatitis is also known as oral erythema, stewardess disease or rosacea-like dermatitis. If the affected areas are only around the eyes, it is called periocular dermatitis. Definition The term perioral dermatitis describes an inflammation of the skin that typically extends around the mouth and eyes. However, symptoms can also occur on the nose. … Perioral Dermatitis

Transmission of psoriasis | Psoriasis of the scalp

Transmission of psoriasis Since psoriasis is a so-called autoimmune disease, it is hereditary but not contagious. Even in the case of an acute flare, which is accompanied by a severe reddening of the skin and severe scaling, transmission to a healthy person is impossible, even when close by. Psoriasis during pregnancy Psoriasis rarely occurs for … Transmission of psoriasis | Psoriasis of the scalp