Pain in the inner thigh

Introduction Pain on the inner side of the thigh can be triggered by a number of causes due to its location. Large muscles and nerves run through the thigh, which can cause pain. Diseased joints can also cause pain. In addition, because of its proximity to the genitals and the pelvis, pain can emanate from … Pain in the inner thigh

Pain on the inside of the thigh during pregnancy | Pain in the inner thigh

Pain on the inside of the thigh during pregnancy Pain in the area of the inner thigh as well as in the groin region are frequently described complaints which can occur during pregnancy. A number of different causes can be responsible for the occurrence of the complaint during pregnancy. The complaints may be primarily or … Pain on the inside of the thigh during pregnancy | Pain in the inner thigh

Pain in the inner wrist

Definition – What causes pain on the thumb side of the wrist? Pain in the wrist can occur as a result of overstrain, illness or as a result of an accident. Depending on the cause, wrist pain often occurs on the inside and around the thumb. Causes of pain on the thumb side/inside of the … Pain in the inner wrist

Duration of inner wrist pain | Pain in the inner wrist

Duration of inner wrist pain Inflammations, like tendinitis de Quervain, rheumatoid arthritis or an inflammation of other genesis, show besides pain the classical signs of inflammation: Reddening, overheating, swelling, pain and a loss of function or movement in the area of the affected structures. If arthrosis in the thumb saddle joint is the cause of … Duration of inner wrist pain | Pain in the inner wrist

Pain in the shoulder and arm

Definition The shoulder is a demanding and complicated joint apparatus, which can be quickly damaged. The shoulder is connected to the muscles of the shoulder girdle on the one hand and to the muscles of the upper arm on the other hand. For this reason, pain in the shoulder can have many different causes. In … Pain in the shoulder and arm