Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? | Symptoms and pain of a frozen shoulder

Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? Depending on the quality of the pain, it must be decided in each individual case whether sport can continue to be practiced. A slight pulling or a pain that only appears after a longer training is not yet a reason for abstinence from sports. On the other … Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? | Symptoms and pain of a frozen shoulder

Loss of strength | Symptoms and pain of a frozen shoulder

Loss of strength Since the shoulder joint is muscularly secured, the muscles of the rotator cuff play a decisive role in the strength and stability of the shoulder joint. Patients suffering from a frozen shoulder often adopt a relieving posture and perform compensatory movements to compensate for the limited movement. This leads to muscular imbalance … Loss of strength | Symptoms and pain of a frozen shoulder

OP – What is done? | Symptoms and pain of a frozen shoulder

OP – What is done? If conservative treatment methods do not improve the symptoms of a frozen shoulder, surgery is performed. The shrunken joint capsule of the shoulder joint is either cut or selectively detached. The procedure is usually performed minimally invasively under general anesthesia in the form of arthroscopic shoulder surgery.A shoulder specialist first … OP – What is done? | Symptoms and pain of a frozen shoulder

The back musculature

Synonyms in the broadest sense Back training, back muscle training Function The long back muscles act as an opponent of the straight abdominal muscles and thus take over the stretching of the spine. Especially in the area of the lumbar spine, back pain often occurs due to tension of the muscles. A well-trained back extensor … The back musculature

Relevance of relaxation | The back musculature

Relevance of relaxation The causes of back pain are extremely varied, with the majority of back pain being due to muscular problems such as tension and incorrect strain on the back muscles, as well as malfunctioning of the small joints between the individual vertebrae. An important treatment approach is therefore the release of tension. First … Relevance of relaxation | The back musculature

The shoulder musculature

Synonyms in the broadest sense shoulder muscle training, shoulder muscles The muscles of the shoulder joint Here you will find detailed information about the shoulder muscles: Delta muscle (M. deltoideus) Biceps (M. biceps brachii) Triceps (M. triceps brachii) Large pectoral muscle (M. pectoralis major) Large round muscle (M. teres major) Broad back muscle (M. latissimus … The shoulder musculature