
Introduction The drug Dermatop® is mainly sold as an ointment, cream or skin lotion, it contains the active ingredient prednicarbate. Prednicarbate belongs to the group of artificially produced glucocorticoids (steroid hormones) whose natural intermediates are formed in the adrenal cortex (e.g. cortisol). Dermatop® has strong anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-pruritic and anti-allergic effects. It is generally used … Dermatop®

Baby rash

Definition In medicine, the term skin rash (exanthema) refers to the sudden appearance of irritated and/or inflamed areas that appear on the skin surface. A rash in a baby can basically appear on any body surface, be accompanied by itching or the formation of dandruff and/or be painful. A severe, itchy rash is often experienced … Baby rash

Therapy | Baby rash

Therapy The basis of a suitable therapy for baby rashes is the clarification of the exact cause of the disease and the appropriate skin care for the baby. If it is an allergic skin rash, it is essential to avoid the allergen in the future and to prevent the immune reaction with suitable medication. Skin … Therapy | Baby rash

Pimples in the mouth

Pus pimples in the mouth are a particularly annoying affair, as they are difficult to treat because of their location, and are also relatively painful. Especially when children or babies are affected, the parent suffers as well. But what is meant by pus pimples, how do they develop and what can be done against them? … Pimples in the mouth