Leprosy (Leprous): Description, Symptoms

Brief overview Symptoms: The symptoms depend on the particular form of leprosy. Possible symptoms include skin changes, loss of tactile sensation and paralysis. Prognosis: Leprosy is curable if it is treated correctly. However, if early treatment is not received, the disease may lead to progressive and permanent damage. Causes: Leprosy is caused by the bacterium … Leprosy (Leprous): Description, Symptoms

Striae Gravidarum: Stretch Marks of Pregnancy

Stretch marks (striae gravidarum) are skin stretch marks (striae distensae). Stretch marks often form during gravidity (pregnancy), largely due to rapid weight gain on the breasts and abdomen. Symptoms – Complaints Stretch marks are initially bluish-reddish in color, but later fade and remain as whitish-yellowish sunken streaks on the skin. Localization: preferably abdomen, hips, gluteal … Striae Gravidarum: Stretch Marks of Pregnancy

Skin Diseases in Infants: Showing Conspicuous Skin Changes to the Dermatologist

Young parents can not get enough of their offspring. Again and again they look at him, play and talk to him. And that’s a good thing, according to Munich dermatologist Prof. Dietrich Abeck, because skin diseases are immediately recognizable. At the same time, however, the expert on skin diseases in childhood reassures young parents. Not … Skin Diseases in Infants: Showing Conspicuous Skin Changes to the Dermatologist

Combination Skin Symptoms

Characteristic of combination skin is a shiny oily forehead, nose and chin area (T-zone). The hair becomes greasy quickly. The body skin is normal or dry. Other typical symptoms of combination skin are: Blackheads (comedones) Inflammatory blackheads (folliculitis) Seborrheic eczema The cause of seborrheic eczema is a proliferation of certain fungi (Pityrosporum ovale) in sebaceous … Combination Skin Symptoms

Lip Gloss

A lip gloss (also lip gloss, English for lip gloss) is a liquefied make-up lip color, which is enriched with care substances and moisturizing substances. Lip gloss is available in many colors, also with gloss and glitter effect. Unlike normal lipstick, lip gloss contains only about a quarter of the color pigments or is transparent. … Lip Gloss

Varices: Varicose Veins

In varicose veins (synonyms: Leg varicosis; varicose veins; varicosis; varicose congestion; vein ectasia; venous nodule; ICD-10 I83.-: Varicose veins of the lower extremities) are sac-shaped or cylindrically dilated and tortuous superficial veins. They pose an increased risk for other venous diseases. Varicose veins are among the most common diseases of the leg veins. Varicosis can … Varices: Varicose Veins

What is Cowpox?

Cowpox is a relatively harmless skin infection caused by a virus that is transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected cows (e.g., during milking). The pathogen penetrates through small skin lesions. One to two weeks after infection, bluish nodules about the size of a lentil develop at the site of entry (“milking nodules”).