Synovial Sarcoma

Definition Synovial sarcoma is a malignant tumor of the soft tissue with a very unfavorable prognosis. Fortunately, it is considered a relatively rare tumor, but among all malignant soft tissue tumors it is the 4th most common. The synonym for synovial sarcoma is also “malignant synovialoma”. The typical age of the disease is between 15 … Synovial Sarcoma

Associated symptoms | Synovial Sarcoma

Associated symptoms The symptoms of synovial sarcoma are relatively unspecific. Usually, pain in the immediate vicinity of the synovial sarcoma is known, but its character cannot be described in detail. In addition, there is a pressure pain at the corresponding site and pain dependent on movement. In addition, a restriction of movement is sometimes described … Associated symptoms | Synovial Sarcoma

Procedure of an MRI ́s

General Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also known as magnetic resonance imaging. It is an imaging examination procedure which, unlike X-rays and computed tomography (CT), is not based on X-rays and therefore has the advantage that the patient is not exposed to radiation. The images that are taken during an MRI are created by applying … Procedure of an MRI ́s

Preparation | Procedure of an MRI ́s

Preparation No special preparation, such as sobriety or laxation, is necessary before an MRI examination. In the run-up to the examination, an informative talk is held in which the doctor explains the course of the examination to the patient, inquires about his/her state of health, points out risks and gives the patient the opportunity to … Preparation | Procedure of an MRI ́s

Soft Tissue: Structure, Function & Diseases

Soft tissues include all soft tissues except epithelia, internal organs, and glial tissue. Thus, adipose tissue, muscle tissue, and connective tissue are included in soft tissues. What is soft tissue? Soft tissue refers to a collection of differentiated cells including their extracellular matrix. Soft tissues are usually composed of collagen, elastin, and a ground substance. … Soft Tissue: Structure, Function & Diseases

Soft tissue injuries

A soft tissue injury is an injury caused by the use of force. Soft tissues include tissues that protect the bone and surrounding tissue, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, subcutaneous tissue, fatty tissue, including vascular and nerve tissue. Statistically, injuries to the Achilles tendon, patellar tendon or biceps tendon are the most common. Soft-tissue … Soft tissue injuries

Cause | Soft tissue injuries

Cause Soft-tissue injuries are often caused by falls, direct or indirect violence. Soft tissue injuries often occur in sports injuries as well. Serious soft tissue injuries can occur in traffic accidents or falls from great heights. Diagnostics During diagnostics, a thorough examination (inspection) of the wound is important so that nothing is overlooked. Attention should … Cause | Soft tissue injuries