Postural deformity of the spine

Definition Postural deformity of the spine means a non-physiological posture and shape of the spine from different causes. General information Although the spinal column has to absorb an immense amount of force and thus must be stable, physiological lordosis and kyphosis also have weak points. This is because both forms of the spinal column can … Postural deformity of the spine

Spinal Stenosis (Spinal Stenosis)

Sitting and bending are no problem, standing and walking, on the other hand, hardly bearable? With symptoms like these, spinal stenosis is the likely diagnosis – for older patients, it’s the most common reason for spine surgery. The spinal canal is the channel in the spine where the spinal cord is well protected. Its wall … Spinal Stenosis (Spinal Stenosis)

Leg tickles – what’s behind it?

What is a tingling leg? A tingling leg is a typical example of a sensation or sensory disorder. In technical terminology, this is known as a sensory disorder, more precisely as paresthesia. This type of sensory disorder develops on the surface of the body, where nerve endings lie in the skin. These are actually there … Leg tickles – what’s behind it?