Therapy | Pain in the foot

Therapy The therapy of foot pain depends on the cause of the pain. Acute pain events in the context of an accident often do not require therapy, but disappear by themselves. Often a short immobilization of the foot is sufficient until the pain subsides. In some cases, bandages, ointment bandages, a plaster splint or cast … Therapy | Pain in the foot

Pain in the forefoot

Pain in the forefoot is a very common complaint that many people suffer from. There are numerous diseases that can be the cause of forefoot pain. They are often the result of degenerative changes in the foot, although there are also diseases of other causes. Pain due to incorrect loading Many people suffer from forefoot … Pain in the forefoot

Injuries | Pain in the forefoot

Injuries After accidents, fractures of the metatarsal bones or toes can occur, accompanied by pain in the forefoot, possibly accompanied by swelling. If there is any suspicion, an X-ray of the foot must be taken to make any fractures visible. Then, based on the image and the examination, it can be decided whether the therapy … Injuries | Pain in the forefoot

Pain in the foot

Foot pain can have many different causes. Since the foot consists of many small tarsal bones, several joints, muscles and tendons, there are many possibilities for foot pain. Most often, accidents or incorrect weight bearing are the reason for the pain. But skin diseases, bad footwear or inflammations can also cause pain. Depending on the … Pain in the foot

Other causes | Pain in the foot

Other causes Neurological causes of foot pain The tarsal tunnel syndrome (Syn. bottleneck syndrome) leads to pain and sensory disturbances due to a constriction of the tibial nerve. Similarly, polyneuropathy as a nerve damage, for example as a result of chronic blood sugar disease (diabetes mellitus), can lead to pain and sensory disturbances in the … Other causes | Pain in the foot

Flatfoot correction

Especially an acquired flatfoot often does not require therapy as long as there are no complaints. For children and adolescents, conservative treatment methods are initially sought. These include physiotherapy, strengthening of the musculature, walking barefoot and soft shoe soles. For adults, too, conservative treatment options are initially used. If physiotherapy is not sufficient, orthopedic insoles … Flatfoot correction