How does bowel movement change in colorectal cancer? | Bowel movement

How does bowel movement change in colorectal cancer? In the early stages of colorectal cancer, there is often no noticeable effect on bowel movements. Only in the advanced stage do changes occur. A classic symptom of colorectal cancer is alternating constipation and diarrhea. Blood in the stool can also be an indication of colorectal cancer. … How does bowel movement change in colorectal cancer? | Bowel movement

Bowel movement

Introduction Defecation, also called egestion, is the process of excreting stool (feces) from the anus. It results from the digestion of food that has been consumed and is usually brown in color. The brown color is caused by the so-called sterkobilin, which is produced when the bile in the intestine is broken down. Other colors … Bowel movement

Bowel movement after each meal- What can it be? | Bowel movement

Bowel movement after each meal- What can it be? In principle, bowel movements more or less immediately after eating are not unusual. While eating, intestinal activity and digestion are stimulated. In order to gain space for the newly taken food, the urge to defecate arises. Since it is not unusual to have bowel movements up … Bowel movement after each meal- What can it be? | Bowel movement