Streptococcus Rapid Test

Definition – What is a rapid test for streptococci? Streptococci belong to the coccus family and are a group of gram-positive bacteria. A so-called streptococcal rapid test is used to diagnose an infection of the upper respiratory tract with streptococcus bacteria of serotype A. The advantage of such a diagnostic procedure is that the rapid … Streptococcus Rapid Test

Implementation | Streptococcus Rapid Test

Implementation The rapid test includes a cassette with integrated membrane. It is coated with rabbit anti-Strep-A antibodies in the test line region and with goat antirabbit antibodies in the control line region. In addition, a pad containing color-coded, gold-conjugated, polyclonal rabbit anti-Strep-A antibodies is located at the beginning of the membrane. First, any Strep A … Implementation | Streptococcus Rapid Test