Signs of a cerebellar infarction | Signs of a stroke

Signs of a cerebellar infarction A cerebellar infarction or stroke of the cerebellum can cause various symptoms that are characteristic of a functional failure of this area of the brain. Thus many cerebellar infarctions can be distinguished from strokes in the cerebrum. Since the cerebellum plays a decisive role in many movement processes, deficits occur … Signs of a cerebellar infarction | Signs of a stroke

Prognosis | Signs of a stroke

Prognosis The signs alone cannot predict the prognosis of a stroke. For example, the signs and symptoms of a stroke merely indicate a lack of oxygen supply in the brain. Only if a number of different signs of a stroke occur in several places can it be assumed that a large area of the brain … Prognosis | Signs of a stroke

Signs of a stroke

General A stroke is a serious disease that affects the brain. There is either bleeding in the brain or a lack of blood supply due to a blocked blood vessel. As a result, parts of the brain are no longer supplied with sufficient blood and, depending on the location of the damage, typical symptoms occur. … Signs of a stroke