Physiotherapy coordination and balance training

For better stability of the joints and their interaction during movements, a pronounced proprioception and coordination is necessary. The ability to balance is a result of this. These abilities facilitate both everyday life and sports activities.

Coordination and balance exercises have proven to be more effective on unstable surfaces. This leads to increased activation of nerves, muscles and tendons. You perform the coordination and balance exercises 15 – 20 times with 4 – 5 series.

If necessary, exercises are listed which are performed statically or only with small movements. These should then be held for 15-20 seconds. To increase the intensity of the exercises you can also do them on a mat or a trampoline.

In this way your coordination and balance will be challenged even more. Most of the listed exercises are performed while standing.

  • Exercises for the ankle
  • Exercises for the knee joint
  • Exercises for the hip joint
  • Exercises For the LWS
  • Exercises for BWS
  • Exercises for the cervical spine

Coordination and balance training for the ankle

Exercise ankle 1. you are in a standing position and raise both arms to the ceiling. Now walk on your tiptoes. Push your arms one after the other towards the ceiling as if you wanted to pick apples.

Walk with your arms as far up as you can. While stretching your arms continuously upwards, alternately stand on your toes and put your whole heel down again. Exercise ankle 2.

Return to the toe position as in number 1. Do not let your heel drop and stand on your tiptoes. Extend your arms to the sides and form a fist with your hands.

Make small, quick arm movements with your arms and keep your toes in place. Exercise ankle 3: Stand on a raised surface (e.g. on a step) with the forefoot only. Stand on tiptoe again and let the heels slowly sink down again.

Stand on your toes again and repeat the coordination and balance exercise. Exercise ankle 4. you stand and have a ball in your hand. Throw the ball upwards with one hand and catch it with the other hand.

Repeat this and while the ball is flying upwards, press the inside and outside of your heels into the ground one after the other. Exercise ankle 5. stand and put your hands on your hips. Now extend one leg forward and land on the rear heel.

Walk back with the leg. Bend the leg as far upwards as possible. Now extend the other leg and land on the rear heel. Repeat the sequence of leg movements and get faster and faster. Special exercises to strengthen the ankle joint can be found under Physiotherapy exercises ankle joint