What is ACHOO Syndrome?

Some people have to sneeze suddenly and involuntarily when they step out of dark rooms into bright light, others make fun of it. Often sun sneezing is misunderstood as a symptom of sun allergy. Already Aristotle made considerations to this today as ACHOO syndrome – from its long English name: ACHOO syndrome (Autosomal Dominant Compelling … What is ACHOO Syndrome?

Skin rash on the belly

Definition A skin rash (also called exanthema) is a spontaneous redness, swelling or inflammation that can cause pain or unpleasant itching and appears superficially on the skin. Causes A skin rash on the abdomen can take different forms and have very different causes. Sometimes it is just a reaction of the skin to stress, for … Skin rash on the belly

Fit Thanks to Beach Volleyball

If you want to combine fitness and the beach, the sport of beach volleyball is the ideal choice. This classic beach sport originated in California and has been an Olympic discipline since 1996. No other sport combines technique, athleticism, fitness and fun as well as beach volleyball. Establishing beach volleyball in Germany At the same … Fit Thanks to Beach Volleyball

Forehead wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles are another form of wrinkles besides eye wrinkles. Eye wrinkles are much more common than forehead wrinkles. The latter can occur in two different forms. Horizontal forehead wrinkles are wrinkles that run from one side of the forehead to the other. In contrast, vertical wrinkles occur particularly strongly between the eyes. They are … Forehead wrinkles

Why is vitamin D deficiency dangerous? | Vitamin D quick test – Who should perform it?

Why is vitamin D deficiency dangerous? Vitamin D has many important functions in our body. The most important task of vitamin D is the regulation of calcium metabolism. Calcium is built into the bones and strengthens our bones. With longer Vitamin D deficiency conditions no more sufficiently calcium can be taken up into the body. … Why is vitamin D deficiency dangerous? | Vitamin D quick test – Who should perform it?

Evaluation and standard values of vitamin D | Vitamin D quick test – Who should perform it?

Evaluation and standard values of vitamin D To determine the vitamin D level, not the actual vitamin D3 in the blood is determined, but the storage form 25-hydroxy- vitamin D. In this way it is possible to determine the long-term vitamin D supply in the body.The evaluation based on the storage form (25-OH-Vitamin-D) is carried … Evaluation and standard values of vitamin D | Vitamin D quick test – Who should perform it?