Solarium – What you should know

Introduction The solarium is an artificial radiation source that imitates sunlight. Modern solariums offer different strengths of UV radiation to achieve different degrees of cosmetic skin tanning. In Germany, visits to solariums are only permitted from the age of 18 years onward upon presentation of a valid photo ID. This has to do above all … Solarium – What you should know

Solarium visits against neurodermatitis | Solarium – What you should know

Solarium visits against neurodermatitis Neurodermatitis is a chronic recurrent disease associated with dry skin, eczema and a tendency to allergies. The skin of neurodermatitis sufferers is very sensitive and susceptible to damage. Light therapy, mostly in combination with glucocorticoids, is an established treatment option for neurodermatitis. Within the scope of light therapy the skin is … Solarium visits against neurodermatitis | Solarium – What you should know

UV radiation

Synonyms in a broader sense UV – light, ultraviolet light, ultraviolet radiation English: uv – radiation Introduction The term UV radiation is an abbreviation for “ultraviolet radiation” (also: ultraviolet light or UV light) and describes a certain wave range of light. The most important natural source of UV radiation is the sun, but others can … UV radiation