Fast thumb

Introduction The disease of a rapid thumb (medical: Tendovaginosis stenosans) describes a pathological, inflammatory change of a certain tendon of the hand. It falls under the clinical picture of a tendosynovitis and is usually caused by overloading the flexor tendon of the thumb. Overloading causes the tendon to thicken and so-called tendon nodules to form. … Fast thumb

Symptoms | Fast thumb

Symptoms A distinction must be made between conservative and surgical therapy of the rapid thumb. Conservative therapy: Conservative therapy is based primarily on sparing the affected tendon and taking anti-inflammatory medication. Injecting cortisone into the tendon sheath of the affected tendon can also help to treat the disease and improve the symptoms. Especially in early … Symptoms | Fast thumb

Diagnosis | Fast thumb

Diagnosis At the beginning of the diagnosis of a quick-acting thumb there is a detailed doctor-patient conversation. Due to the typical symptoms, the suspected diagnosis of a quickening thumb can usually be made very quickly. In addition, there is the examination of the thumb, where the problem can often be felt. Before the therapy of … Diagnosis | Fast thumb